Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

You can either take 2 subjects in a year. You also get credit if you take algebra and Spanish in middle school.

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Yes, my son was accepted to Software Engineering today.


This is a claim that led me to dig deeply into the MCA and get so heavily involved in this forum back in the day.

Higher stats kids that get rejected do so for two reasons. Either they just didn’t make the cut for an extremely competitive major, say CS, with the objective MCA ranking, but do at a holistic school. Or, more commonly, they just didn’t add in their appropriate middle school classes on the app. That reduces the MCA substantially. CP is brutally unforgiving to students who don’t carefully read those weird instructions.


The GPAs that are posted here are as high or higher than UC and many T-20 schools.


Child got accepted to SLO. We got an email at 7pm PST but the portal only has a single sentence saying they got admitted. (Is this normal?)
In-state non-local.
Major: Architecture
Calpoly gpa was a 4.75 (Their school doesn’t do GPA)
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 30 total, 8-9 dual enrollment classes (mainly science and architecture classes), 4 APs (German, WHAP, Lang, GoPo)
EC’s and major-related job: in 4-6 clubs (20h+ a week) with leadership positions in most of them, full-time summer job non-major related,

Got a recommendation from their dual enrollment architecture professor who was in close contact with SLO.


My younger brother got in for CS! :slight_smile: He had a 4.5 GPA. Now he’s just waiting on Cal. I’m at UCLA right now after withdrawing my admission from SLO last minute in 2018. Hoping it is a better fit for him as a CS major (I’m a bio major) :slight_smile:


It is enough, it’s literally just a crap shoot these days. So many qualified students and not enough seats in their desired school. Reapply! Everyone I have ever known that wants to get into their school does so by reapplying the following year or for grad school.


Yes. I got in with a 4.17 GPA majoring in Political Science and 6 AP courses. Took on Leadership positions and part of a Multimedia Academy


Any International students that got their decisions today ?

This is what I say to my son, but at this age is hard for them to get rejection and believe everything is going to be ok. As a mom is hard to see your kids crying or sad for things that we cannot change. I agreed with you, something things happen that we can say’ is a blessing in disguises’. Hope that happens to our kids :slight_smile:


My daughter was accepted to public health too, almost identical stats! We are OOS.

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I’d like to know too

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SLO does not consider the fully weighted GPA only the capped weighted with 9 th grades. UC’s only consider 10-11th grades and all 3 GPA’s listed on the Rogerhub calculator.


Maximum CSU GPA is 4.4. With 9th grades included for SLO it would be around 4.33+ But could be up to 4.4 due to P/NP courses during Covid. SLO does not yield protect. They just have more qualified applicants than spots available which is the definition of impaction.


Any guess on weather they will keep rolling decisions today?

Applicants are posting the wrong GPA’s. Check my other post above.


Yes. Daughter Ag Business accepted last night.

Wow! This word for word could have been written about my D. She’s at SDSU too after not getting off SLO’s waitlist last year. :100: spot on.


Daughter got acceptance email for Public Health last night.

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Do honors invites get sent with the acceptance emails or do they come later?