Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

That’s a far more practical possibility than my vision of them eating bon bons and playing darts :rofl:


It’s very plausible that they’re doing both! Why choose?


It’s possible they are waiting to see how many jump right in to accept the offer, which would give them some clues as to how their yield may measure up to prior years’ yields so that they can either roll out more acceptances or waitlists/rejections. Or they are eating bon bons and playing darts :wink:


More acceptances…I can feel it. Thursday 3/17 at 3:17


I find it hard to believe they have not gone threw all the applications like they tried to imply to some people who called the office. It’s possible that now what they are doing is sifting threw the applications that they did not give an offer to and they are figuring out which ones to waitlist. Also they may run those threw the fist choice major than run them threw the second choice major for the waitlist apps.

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The Admissions office said they are still evaluating “applications” so they are evaluating at least two applications. I think its taking a week because they’re playing a dart tournament where the winner picks the last student accepted and takes home a box of bonbons


My son got a 1500 on his SAT and did not get into Stanford or MIT. Lots of AP and DE classes and extracurriculars as well. Still waiting on few other decisions but he’s fairly sure he’ll accept Cal Poly Mech Engineering and not graduate with a ridiculous amount of student loans.


Disagree. 1500 is something special as are scores lower than that - and objectively shows ability. Test prep and $ can’t buy scores - ability does. Ditching the SATs was TREMENDOUSLY UNFAIR to many kids

Several people pay for admission essays and “guidance” - which is far worse.


I agree.


Agreed - the impact of the college coaching industry is a lot more invisible/difficult to detect within a given application but probably tips the scales more than standardized testing, and the range of ethics in those organizations is wide. Some are coaching, some are basically writing kids’ essays for them.


Even ECs and internships can be easier for people with connections and wealth.



My brother with a 3.9 unweighted did not get into Cal Poly in 1985. It’s been hard to get into for a very long time! But his son did just get in!


Yet “ability” = strong standardized test taking is an argument that can be taken to task with regard to college success in several ways… and colleges are well aware of this. Historically, GPA has been shown to be a better indicator of college readiness and future success. And to suggest test prep and money don’t influence scores is disingenuous— there’s a long history showing otherwise. Ability is evenly distributed across communities while standardized test taking and relative success on such tests are not.


Yeah… I don’t think there will be another batch of admissions. I think they are currently deciding who to waitlist and who to reject. I would love to be wrong, though!

I really wish they would announce all at once. It’s so much more humane.


Don’t give up yet…. This year has been strange and a lot of schools are not following the same behaviors as previous years. Hoping for good news for you!


I would have to disagree with you. Tests are inherently biased–format, questions etc. They also privilege those with resources (time, money, saavy families). GPA should be the gold standard as far as college readiness. CB is a business and SAT scores are merely a reflection of how well you play the game.


The vast majority of kids applying to MIT meet that criteria. What I always tell my kids-- make sure there is something interesting about you beyond the SAT/GPA combo.

It does seem that admission notifications have stalled. I know that there are only a subset of applicants on this thread, but I haven’t seen any admits for General Engineering. Or did I miss them on this thread? This certainly is a stressful process in a year that seems to have gone off course.

Big agree on this one. GPA is a great indicator of a student’s performance, and in a holistic review process, exceptions to the rule are considered properly, but testing is absolutely an indicator of how well you played the game that day. I got a good score on ACT/SAT by self-studying for weeks, but missed out on PSAT studying because I didn’t internalize its importance (where savvy families come into play), and thus didn’t play the game correctly. College admissions is weird, and I’m glad some of the weirdness is leaving, even if it makes me a less competitive applicant.