Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Hang in there! Safety first for sure. We can all wait a few days for decisions. Last night I felt like I really understood why they call it an “atmospheric river”!

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I just don’t get what being at the campus has to to do with sending out admission. COVID has proved that that could send out admission during that time with no one on campus. :thinking:

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I grabbed this from SLO’s Reddit page:


Yeah, I get that. I’m just pointing out that in this immediate geographic area, the focus is more on preservation of life and property today.

Also, my guess is that while the decisions likely go out with the press of a button, they may want to have more of an all hands on deck situation on a big release day, as a backstop against any potential glitches that could spiral (and result in really bad press, etc.). You just never know. And remember that the admin staff are local people, including those with kids unexpectedly out of school today, potential flooding in their homes – that kind of thing. Again, just pointing out that it’s easy to draw conclusions without thinking about all the possible context (I know I do it sometimes).

Anyway, good luck to all. After two consecutive years of going through the frustrating admissions wait with my own sons, I only popped onto his board in the last 24 hours because my daughter’s bf is a current CP applicant and is antsy for any news himself. :slight_smile:


My thought is that they turn off the phones, everyone leaves, and the last person out the door pushes the send button. :rofl:


I agree with your theory! :joy:

Absolutely agree with this. It’s the kind of process where I’m assuming you want the responsible people in close contact with each other and not distracted by anything else at home (kids out of school, etc.). I’m definitely not going to be mad if they can’t release today!

Lol, I can totally see that. Unfortunately, as a former PR/comms person, that would cause me to break out in hives, so I tend to come at it from the opposite perspective. Cover your butts multiple times over!


Agreed with what @CAdogmama said above. I work at a university and I’ve seen how careful and thoughtful and deliberate the admissions staff are with how and when notifications go out and everything before and after that. Definitely not a “press the button and split” kind of situation! I can easily imagine how a major weather event might delay things.


Several years ago when my oldest was admitted into UC Davis, everyone’s admissions email started with “Dear Regina.” It took several hours for someone to make it back into the office to send out an apology and a corrected letter.

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OMG! That’s both terrible and hilarious. I hope the real Regina was proud. :smiley:

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Interesting, I always thought the admits were just a batch processing job that IT kicked off at the written request of the business, aka the head of admissions


It depends on the family and the student–I wouldn’t say something is “wrong” necessarily. I have 4 kids: for 3 of them, including my current senior, I don’t have their usernames and passwords for their portals and never check them. But for DS3, who has ADHD, I certainly did, and more than he did. And I helped DS2 and DS3 plan their college schedules (but didn’t at all for DS1, and don’t plan to for DD4). Remember every family and student is different (but maybe you were just joking).


University of Washington really took it to another level and released (as they have before) around 8:15pm! Not even remotely close to during the work day. But the nice thing is that no students were trying to check during school!


And sadly, their server crashed so it took students upwards to 45 minutes to get their admission status :frowning:

So if it doesn’t happen today, when is it most likely going to happen?

Just checked my portal and was accepted in state


Please post your stats and major using this template:
SLO GPA (9-11th a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point cap for 10-11th eligible classes):
Number of A-G classes:
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses:
EC hours and with leadership or job related:


What major?

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my portal didn’t update… anyone else get in?