Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

I think you are talking about different things than myself and the other posters. We are talking about meeting the CSU/SLO Lab science requirement for Freshman admission and HS course rigor points not course credit for classes at SLO. Many colleges do not give course credit for APES scores.

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Yes I think based on the poking around I’ve done since then that both APES and our high school’s freshman “Physics” class (non-honors, non-AP) will count as “Lab Science” for the purpose of SLO totaling up “Lab Science” classes that count towards the entry requirements (i.e, 4 years are recommended). So between the 9th grade class, AP Chem, AP Bio, and APES, I’m calling that 8 semesters of Lab science for her that go into whatever algorithm they use to define rigor for the purposes of applying. However it works after that to get credit or not should she matriculate to SLO, who knows. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. :wink:

Ohh hahaha my fault best of luck to all of you and your kids! I think it did count for my admission lab requirement.


We appreciate you commenting and letting us know what to expect if/when our kids get there. It sounds like you are having a good experience at SLO, and that’s awesome! Glad the Botany class was worthwhile. My husband always tells me about how he fulfilled his science requirement in college with a class called “edible plants.” :slight_smile:

At our local HS, all the PLTW classes are UC-approved Science category (D).

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APES score of 3,4 or 5 only gives elective credit: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE

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Thanks for the link. Looks like AP Bio would earn some GE credit in the relevant area though. Good to know!


yes! but 4 of those elective units can be counted as a GE science elective which is super nice


does anyone know when we can expect decisions?

See replies upthread – March (around the 10th-ish, probably)

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Post # 98 gives last year’s timeline


Besides Cal Grant, does Cal Poly SLO provide any financial aid for California students? How many students got Cal Poly Scholarships?

SLO gives merit scholarships for National Merit, National Recognition Hispanic scholars and some departmental specific scholarships.

Cal Grant is need-based and there is also Federal need-based grants and SLO offers some need-based grants.

Regarding numbers, I see few students that post on CC that they have received any scholarship money. According to the CDS for 2022:
Number of students in line a who had no financial need and who were awarded institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid (exclude those who were awarded athletic awards and tuition benefits)
330 First time Freshman
Average dollar amount of institutional non-need-based: $ 3,566

As with the UC’s, CSU’s mainly give good need-based aid to students.

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How much is the SLO merit scholarship for NMF? I wasn’t able to find much online.

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I believe it is $3000/year.

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According to previous CC posts, rolling admissions started on the following dates over the past 3 years:
03/10/22 (Thurs)
02/23/21 (Tues)
03/03/20 (Tues)


Hoping this year they start rolling out in Feb like 2021. Would be great to start getting some decisions soon.


We have between now and Tuesday. So if it’s going to happen this Month would have to be the 28th.

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Do acceptances come out by major or by college? For example, will the CAFES majors find out at a certain time?


In 2020 my dd found out from CAFES on 3/3 - environmental science major