Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Does anyone know how competitive the Wine and Viticulture major in the CAFES is? I never see anything posted on it so I was curious.

For the last few years, they decisions have come out randomly and not by college.

Wine and Viniculture major projections show 43 spots with a projected 162 applicants.


Also curious about alternate major - architectural engineer. I don’t think this major is mentioned much? We put biomedical engineer first which is from I’ve been told a very low acceptance rate.

80 spots with 496 estimated applicants for Architectural Engineering. See the SLO target projections link above.


I posted right at the same time you posted the link. Thanks for looking it up and putting down the numbers here! My dad was a civil engineer so D thought it would be interesting to study something similar.


What type of stats do students usually need for an invite to the Cal Poly University Honors program? What does admissions consider when deciding who will be invited?

Wow! The SLO target projection rates are crazy low when you do the math. I thought my DS had a better chance of getting into the Environmental Management and Protection major but it looks like the estimate is only 11%.

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Remember that the target # s are the number they want to enroll – that doesn’t take into account yield rates. I believe the SLO yield rate is something like 25% ish, so if they want to enroll 100 kids in a given major, that means they are going to need to admit around 4x that number.


As stated by @GoldRush2 SLO will admit more students than enroll to reach the target projections. SLO does list their yield by College but not by major. I like to use a 33% yield estimate as a guideline so they accept 3X as many applicants for those spots.

Here are the actual yield rates for 2022:
Overall: 28.6%
CAED: 39.5%
CAFES: 39.2%
CENG: 31.6%
CLA: 24.9%
CSM: 18.7%
OCB: 28.2%

Interesting the the College of Environmental Design and the College of Agriculture have the highest yield but that is probably due to their specialized majors that are NOT readily found at other schools.


Thank you so much for explaining that to me!

Great point! I had the one for CLA stuck in my mind since my daughter is applying for a major within that college, but of course it varies a lot depending on which school within SLO you are applying to! Thx for the detail.

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The big question is…. when are they going to start rolling out? My daughter is a 3rd year at CP SLO and she hear on 3/3/20. Then it moved around a bit the last could have years, one earlier and one later. My son is on pins and needles for this years to come out!


That is the Million dollar question. Last year decisions started rolling out on March 10. When my son applied several years ago, he heard Mid February. Seems to get a bit later each year.


Clearly I didn’t have my reading glasses on when I wrote this!


My son called Cal Poly admissions late yesterday because he was having a problem with his portal. Ends up his brother who is a 2nd year had used his laptop once so it was defaulting to his email and his he didn’t realize it. But he just flat out asked when acceptances are going to come out and the girl told him they were still “getting their ducks in a row”. Earliest would be tomorrow, the 1st, but that would be highly unlikely and even next week is being optimistic. It sounds like she thought it would be the following week. But who knows… maybe that is the canned response they give.


Someone on one of the college subs on Reddit claims they got an acceptance email this morning for CS but no way to tell that’s true.

I saw that too, and I think it is unlikely. Either they confused SLO with another Cal State, or they may be just making stuff up. It’s reddit…


I think it is someone trying to ruse everyone because a week ago someone posted on a FB page that same thing. That someone got into Cal Poly (specific one not named)for CS. That it was posted somewhere (I can’t remember where but assume it was Reddit too). Everyone asked which Cal Poly (Pomona, Humboldt or SLO) and no reply. Since both Pomona and Humboldt have been releasing my bet is on one of them.


This post was this morning and they specifically said SLO…I don’t believe it’s true but they did say SLO. Thought it was odd because they said they had just got an email and that would have been 4 am PST which doesn’t seem likely.

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My son has been getting these reports from kids at school for months already. “so-and-so got into Cal Poly for CS!” In a couple of cases the kid sees Cal Poly and thinks the admission is SLO and tells everyone else before they realize.