Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Reflecting on my son’s rejection yesterday, makes me realize that SLO must calculate things quite differently than other CSUs. He was accepted early into SDSU and CPP, both for computer science. Also accepted into computer engineering departments at SJSU & Chico, & at CSULB.

The fact that he was straight-out rejected and not waitlisted, or considered for his alternate major (not in engineering or CS-related) had me feeling salty, and briefly wondering if there was some crucial mistake on the application.

Clearly not, judging by his other acceptances, but it really makes one wonder just what SLO was looking for, and what numbers didn’t add up.


Hi! My son was accepted to Cal Poly SLO Engineering and we are OOS.
Has anyone heard anything about merit $ yet? He is waiting to hear back before making a decision… cost is much higher than his in state options but he loved Cal Poly! Would be his first choice if we could reduce the overall expense. Thanks for any info!


SLO offers little in merit $$. Most FA is need based for CA residents. As an OOS admit, you should expect to pay close to full fees.


Financial aid is in the portal. Very little merit to none.


Your son seems every bit as qualified as my son, if not more so. I didn’t mention in my original post, that UCSD BioSciences division asked me to sit on a Dean’s advisory board a couple of years ago, for purposes of helping bridge academic biosciences into industry, and to help optimize career outcomes for students. I also regularly mentor students. Note This was of course not included / accounted for in my son’s application (UC’s don’t care about legacy)**. I only mention it because it’s ironic that they consider me qualified to mentor accepted students and advise the Dean, but my son, who is more qualified than I was at that stage/age, has zero UC opportunities. I have OOS colleagues whose children got into UCs (specifically UCSB) with (arguably) fewer qualifications. So yes, I agree with you that the system is broken / not serving its mission.


I don’t know what more I can say. I’m speechless about this whole ordeal. But I’m very very happy to hear your son has come to terms with it and is ready to move on. He will do great and thrive outside this corrupt UC system. I wish him and you both nothing but the best!

you are right- same experience here, most my son’s peers are experiencing disappointing or inexplicable results from SDSU, Cal Poly, and UCs


Wow congrats to him! I got waitlisted at Cal Poly SLO but my #1 choice was SDSU for comp sci but got rejected about 2 weeks ago

@london3 I’m so sorry to hear these results for your son. It sounds like you live in Cal Poly SLO’s local admission Could it be possible that middle school math or language other than English was accidentally left off the application? After the waitlist, could he appeal? I am aware of a local admission area student who was able to appeal Cal Poly SLO (4 years ago), but do not know the circumstances of the appeal.

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Not sure. We would have to go back and check his application. At the moment everything is so fresh with all the rejections he needs to let the burn go away before he puts his mind on it again. And yes we live 5 miles away from the campus. And yes kids with a lot lower stats were accepted. Kid just can’t catch a break :joy:.

Definitely, think your son should submit an appeal since y’all are local. I know last year there was a local applicant (town over) that got WL but ended up getting accepted that we ran into downtown when visiting campus. Would have thought his worst case scenario would be WL and denied due to living in SLO. But also understand going thru the process again with possibly the same result is just adding salt to the wound.


Just curious. Are there still people waiting for a decision?


Thank you, & sorry about San Diego. Hope there are some other great options for you.

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I only saw a few people post about a rejected decision. Has your daughter heard back yet? My memory is her coach said she would be hearing soon?

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I feel so badly for your son. If 5 miles from CP you must be in Los Osos or Morro Bay? He deserves to be at CP- a 4.18 capped GPA is at the 50th percentile for 2022 admissions even in STEM, so by definition 50% of admitted students (at least from the class of 2022) have a lower GPA than him. Since he also has the only other things Cal Poly has at their disposal to look at '“holistically” (ECs and local), he really should be there. Personally, I think you have reasonable grounds to appeal. In my son’s case, his 4.12 capped/weighted is more like 25th percentile, and we are Norcal now, so the argument isn’t as clear cut. I don’t mean to stoke the flames, and I definitely understand trying to move on, but something doesn’t make sense here-

Some recruited athletes don’t get final acceptance until April per my daughter’s coach.

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No news yet! Hopefully soon.

This is really hard to wrap your head around, can’t imagine why he wasn’t accepted. So sorry for your hardworking son. It’s really so disappointing for these kids that have worked so hard and to come up short.

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Has merit been posted? I know it’s not much but just curious if we got any. Where does it show up on portal?

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It is in the portal, select “student center” and then scroll down to “view the financial aid”.

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