Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Happy Cal Poly Rejection Day! And with that, my College Confidential time is officially done and ready focus on the next four years…to which our daughter has already committed and is very excited about at The University of Oregon to study Early Childhood Development and Education. I wish all of you and your kids the very best at whatever school they end up attending and much success in their chosen careers.


Sorry for all the rejections coming in. Although on the bright side its nice to just have an answer now and be able to move on, but I know it still stings. Hang in there, and I am sure a great path will work out in the end for everyone!


My Dtr was denied by SLO today Env Earth and Soil Science
In-state NCAL
Unweighted GPA: 3.8, Weighted: 4.04
2 AP Courses, 2 Honors
Some volunteer, extra-curriculars, work experience, Env Sci club President

Accepted at: Oregon State, Univ of Oregon, Chico, UC Riverside, CSULB, Univ of Arizona, Univ of Redlands, Cal Poly Humbolt
Denied by: Cal Poly SLO, UCSB, UCSC, UC Davis
Waitlisted at: SDSU


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Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your application for admission to Cal Poly for the 2023 Fall quarter. Due to the extremely limited number of openings available in the Environmental Earth and Soil Sciences program, we regret that we are unable to offer you admission.

Cal Poly received over 73,000 applications for the Fall 2023 quarter for approximately 6,200 available student openings. Please be assured that denial to Cal Poly is by no means a reflection of your ability; rather, it is a combination of the high number of applicants for each program and the limited number of candidates we can admit.

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She will be in good company with my daughter, who is waitlisted at SLO (also WL Syracuse and LeHigh, rejected by countless others including our flagship UW, accepted at UO and UVM). We are about to accept her UO admission - UO has been great at making her feel wanted and appreciated, offered her some merit money, and she loves it there (and it’s not too far from home).

She’ll be studying psychology (possibly in the childhood behavioral field) and UO has a great psych program. If you’ll be at Duck Day on 4/14, we’ll see you there! So glad to see the end of this horrible admissions year, and eager to embrace UO with enthusiasm.


I just want to point out that both numbers (73,000 total apps and 6,200 openings) include transfer apps and transfer openings. SLO will release more specificity in the future.


Does that mean that there were even fewer spots for incoming freshman?

SLO over the last few years have had a target enrollment of around 4,800 to 5,200 Freshman.
Last year they had 59,944 applicants and enrolled 5,111.

Just got the rejection. So over SLO after their handling of rejections at the very end of the process. Going to UCD and very happy.


Son rejection slo - physics we already decided CPP but good he can move on.

My daughter was accepted for Architecture on March 10 and decided to commit due to the 5 year ready day 1 program at SLO.


SLO’s architecture major is one SLO program where even families on the East Coast have heard of its prestige.


Completely agree.

Many innovative ideas have come from the students of Cal Poly SLO since the '90s.

  • Jamba Juice isn’t the only beverage business to come out of Cal Poly SLO seniors.
  • Game-Changing CubeSats originated at Cal Poly SLO.

New account / first time poster just to comment / provide context

S23 Rejected Biological Sciences
4.45W (4.12 CSU-Cap)/ 3.85 UW
12-14 AP/DE/Honors
3 years of paid employment 10-15 hours/week
some volunteer hours in a few different settings
5 years of athletics, including 3-year varsity
Rejected UCLA, UCSB, UCB
Waitlisted UCI, UCD, UCSD
Accepted CSLB, SDSU and to 5 or 6 OOS public flagships

I grew up/went to HS in SLO - Graduated with lower GPA, SAT, and arguably fewer ECs than my son. Cal Poly was fairly accessible then (I didn’t apply- was too close to home). Attended UCSD, majored in surfing (and some Biochem)

Our CA children have it much tougher than it used to be, to attend the in-state schools of their choosing. congratulations to those who were accepted in state - it is quite an accomplishment, even more so than ever! To those who are leaving the state- congratulations to you too - it is likewise not easy for CA students to gain OOS acceptance (so much for reciprocity), and your children will have the opportunity to experience a new place! Although, as a parent, I can’t help feeling a bit slighted by my home state and the universities that I have a personal attachment to (it would have been nice for my S23 to go to his grandparents for laundry/meal on the weekend :), I also believe the process for him should not have to be more stressful than it was for me. Therefore, I’m truly excited for my S23, who seems to be handling this very positively and is eagerly embracing his OOS options. Best of luck to everyone!


I am sorry about the rejection but seems like he has some great options. I wanted to chime in just to commiserate with you of how slighted I also feel by our California public universities. My daughter who has some amazing stats (even some better than some accepted kids I have seen in this forum and in the UC forums) has been rejected from every UC school, accepted at SDSU and waitlisted at Cal Poly. Its unfortunate that most of our kids (and I say most because I see it happening within my daughter’s classmates) have to go and pay out-of-state tuition elsewhere due to the nature of how impacted this state is.

I wish your son the best in whatever path he takes which I am sure will be the right one for him!


S23 waitlisted business
4.44 weighted (4.19CSU-Cap)/ 3.80 UW
10 AP/ plus 4 DE
Lots of EC
Lots of volunteering
PIQs: decent
Founder of local soccer camp for low income kids
Founder of school investment club
4 year school athletics (3-year varsity)
4 year club soccer
Summer employment at tech company

Rejected: UCSD, UCSB, UCLA,UCI, UCB,UW, USC, Claremont
Waitlisted: UCD, Santa Clara, Cal poly Slo

We are local too (Slo county). Not sure what went wrong. He’s devastated beyond belief and can’t seem to come to terms of what has happened. The system is definitely broken and needs to be fixed. Especially if two generations of your whole family went to UCSB and you get rejected. Amazing!


Sorry for the disappointing results and admissions are so unpredictable these days. I feel for these applicants, However UC’s to do not consider legacy and he does have some good options in the schools that accepted him. Let him mourn for awhile.

Just remember one student’s Likely school is another’s Dream school. All his hard work will not go to waste but will make him excel at any school he attends. Wishing him the best.

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My daughter, exactly the same.

Same. We had already decided that even if she got an acceptance (which we already knew wasn’t happening)that there was zero chance of her going there. If that’s how they run things, I want nothing to do with them. Plenty of great schools out there.

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