Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Those numbers are the Freshman target projections taken from this link:

Those numbers are Not the admit rates for each major and without GPA data you cannot determine how competitive each major can be. You need to see the admitted applicant profile by major.

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The article is misleading since the numbers they post are the # of applicants and the number of spots they hope to enroll, not admit.


True, but as a parent I’m not spending 50k so my kid can chill in PJ’s for an 8am class, even occasionally LOL! :grinning:


Well, I’m spending half that amount ($25,000) at SLO and D21 has one remote class (GE) which “meets” 6-8 PM. :grinning:

SLO got her a great internship and PT job. Satisfied parent here.


My son finally made his decision and went with UMD. He also declined his spot at CalPoly for journalism. Hope that helps someone! Good luck to all of you and a special thanks to @Gumbymom and other experienced parents for their help and support during this crazy admissions cycle.


Thank you for letting us know :slight_smile:

Is there a fee for SIR? How much? I am scared to push accept button to check as child is still deciding between UCSD, UCI and SLO

We were not charged a fee. When you apply for housing there will be a $1,500 deposit.

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I thought last week at an admitted student tour that they said we could sign up for housing before we submitted the SIR? I guess I need to go look more closely…What would the advantage be to SIR before knowing if it’s the school you are picking? I can see how getting a housing app in early might matter, though. They said there’s no penalty for withdrawing that later.

SIR at UC Davis was $250 for each of my daughters. Maybe it’s different based on your financial aid? (We are full pay).


I’m pretty sure all the UCs are $250 to SIR.


This is the info for SLO…The housing app link didn’t show up in my daughter’s portal until we hit the accept button. It took about a day to show up. We haven’t turned in that housing app yet, however, I believe it will charge us a $500 housing deposit and $1,000 food deposit at that point. There isn’t a benefit to filling out the housing stuff quickly. It will be a lottery to choose housing spots. You just need to get it turned in by the deadline. Which I believe is June 1st…but I am not 100% sure on that date.

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Got it – makes sense. We’ll hold off then. I probably mis-heard, and they meant that we could SIR without paying anything and then back out later. In that case I think we’ll wait as she is still actively deciding between many options.

Does anyone know when they usually come back with decisions on the Honors program? I know it was mentioned that they finish issuing decisions before the SIR deadline, but it would be nice if that was sooner rather than later. :slight_smile:

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It sounded like maybe the last week of April…we are waiting to hear as well. It said by the 30th…but I think someone posted last year it was released the 24th or 26th…


No deposit for SIR at Cal Poly.

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Students will be notified by the end of April for the Honors program.

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What does SIR stand for?

SIR stands for Statement of Intent to Register. It is like accepting your spot, most schools required a deposit for SIR around $150-$600, but no charge at SLO.


Anymore waitlist news ?