Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Typically 50% go random and it all works out.

I also heard from housing that there will be very few doubles if any (once they get the numbers) and groups of 2 will be forced to groups of 3 and the singles will fill in on the rooms.

They already eliminated the quads and turned them into quints, so groups of 3 who take those will paired randomly either with groups of 2’s or 2 singles.

Thank you for that insight, will pass along. It seemed everyone is trying to match but if you’ve heard 50% go random, then it won’t be an issue.

Have you joined the cal poly parents FB page? It is a wealth of knowledge!

It is the most informative FB page of colleges out there. I only wish my other kids college has such a parents page! The person who runs is truly a gift from God for parents and students.

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Thank you! I didn’t do that yet but you’ve reminded me to do so! I actually rarely viewed the parent page at my other kid’s college and probably should have.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Class of 2028 Freshman Discussion Thread