Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

Ok - thank you. Very good to know. I guess he read it too quickly. (I’m sure he was anxious at the time.)

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For last years waitlist students the survey was a way to withdraw from the waitlist.

IF you would no longer like to be considered for admission, please complete the survey in your email.”

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Does anyone know if you can “appeal” if you are on the waitlist? My student has a situation in which they were abroad for a year. Thanks

You cannot appeal on the waitlist, not until you have been denied

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My kid got waitlisted for Animal Science. Question…assuming she is fortunate enough to get accepted, is she guaranteed housing?

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Freshmen are guaranteed housing - I think this is a rarity these days!


My son’s waitlist email finally came through. Confirms nothing to do unless you don’t want to be on the wl. 73,000 apps for 6,200 spots this year.

I just got waitlisted today which i’m really surprised by, I was confident I would get in. Cal Poly was probably my #1 choice :frowning:
I applied for Biological sciences and environmental protection and management as my second choice
My stats are:
I am OOS (out of state)
MCA 4783
My highschool GPA: 4.7 overall, 4.9 academic
Their calculated GPA on my application: 4.35
CSU GPA: 4.19
I’m in the top 2% of my class
I have 20 hours of extracurriculars and I hold leadership positions, I have a job now, but at the time of application I didn’t

How likely is it that I get off the waitlist?

Look at the numbers on the first post of this discussion. No way to know your chances since admit data is not posted by major. It also varies from year to year depending upon how many students enroll by May 1. You are automatically placed on the waitlist so all you can do is move on to your other school acceptances.

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Son received waitlist for Enviro Sci, accepted at SDSU, USD and Gonzaga. Will hang on in the meanwhile. Still his #1, but have to make a choice and decide by May 1st. Pretty stressful with AP classes, track meets and keeping grades up. Hang in there everyone and pls keep updating. It is nice to hear


Since Cal Poly does not rank their wait list, how do they chose who to offer admission?


Since they admit by major, when spots open up for that particular major they will go through the waitlist applicants and decide based on their application. The same way they decide whom to admit in the first place.


How does the Cal Poly waitlist work? When they offer spots is there a timeframe to accept and if you miss a short window you’re out of luck? Should D check daily on portal? Thanks for any insight to those that have gone through this before.

Cal poly should send an email if there is an update in the student portal. You usually have 5-7 days to accept or decline the waitlist offer. I would start checking the portal and email near the end of April in case they start admitting early but usually it is after May 1.


Hi there, My son is waitlisted and wasn’t offered a way to accept it, just decline it. CP has been his first choice college since the 8th grade so he’s not going to decline. Does he need to do something else to accept the offer? Has anyone else had an accept waitlist option? Thanks so much in advance.

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Waitlisted students are automatically placed on the waitlist but receive the email to opt out of the waitlist if they want.

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I agree, it’s nice to know others are in the same situation. It’s so challenging and stressful to wait but I know it will well worth it in the end. I keep saying if it’s not ok it’s not the end and all is well that ends well. We are keeping the faith and hope alive. Please keeping updating here so we can know what to expect. Thanks in advance and good luck to everyone waiting.


Thank you!

No–he doesn’t need to do anything, unless he is declining being on the wait list. My son is also on the waitlist for UCSD and they had to choose yes or no, Loyola asked for a short essay included with your yes, USCS gave us 5 days to say yes or no-there are so many differences between UC schools (individually) and the same with the state schools wait list. Hang in there and be sure to check the portal and make a hard decision to accept #2 in the meanwhile. What is blowing my mind is the cost of housing! This fact alone changes many decisions for our family, like many other families. We have had to decline good offers due to cost. Good luck to all!

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Hey everyone! If you don’t mind, can you post if your person gets off the waitlist - and major. It would be helpful to gage timing as July 15 seems VERY far away to learn fate on my kids #1 choice. Thank you