Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

Has anyone heard about Business Administration yet?

My daughter got waitlisted into Business Administration.


when logged into the student center, is anyone able to “search for classes”?

I think this has been available since the portals were given access to the applicants ! Or atleast i have always had access to that link but never clicked on it


thank you for replying. just thought it was interesting that a non-admitted student (yet :wink:) is able to search for classes and see a schedule.

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My son is still waiting for a decision. Should I assume he’ll be rejected? Results for yes and wait list have been out since 3/10.

Yes, historically the decisions left are denials.

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What are the numbers for successful appeals decisions?

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I do not have any numbers for appeal decisions but numbers from the UC’s are around 1% that are successful. The issue with the CSU’s is since they use limited criteria in their application review and are mostly stats based, it is difficult to have a valid basis for an appeal.

Normally medical or extreme family issues which affected the academic performance of the student will be worth appealing. Documentation is key so you need to provide proof of the appeal reason.

Admission Decision Appeals
We review every application for maximum consideration. For an appeal to have merit, it must contain new, serious and compelling information that clearly shows you to be academically stronger than had been earlier evidenced. Neither grades received in the current academic year nor mistakes made on the application are a basis for an appeal or the reversal of a decision.



rejection was in the portal just now, no email yet.


So sorry. Were you waitlisted and now its a rejection? Or just rejected?

I know last year there were a few students accepted off the waitlist early (before July). Was that in early May after the registration deadline or later?

Last year there was some waitlist admits starting April 20th.


Earlier I thought? I thought they let some in on Good Friday last year

I just looked at the CC posting history from last year. Some other social media sites might have earlier posts.

So when was the earliest they got sent out last year?

On CC, the earliest waitlist admit posted was April 20th.

Thank you :), I’m praying to get in :pray:

Anyone know if there’s stats on the number of waitlist by major?

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