Cal Poly SLO Freshman Stats Only Class of 2026

A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Mathematics
SLO GPA: 4.23
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non-Local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 27
EC’s and major related job:EC’s 20 hours, leadership, work 5 hours - major related

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Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Architecture
SLO GPA: 4.35 (Capped)
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Far Northern California
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 6 AP courses, 2 Honors classes, 12 semesters of math
EC’s and major related job: 4 year cheerleader (Varsity Cheer Captain 12th grade, Varsity Cheer Co-Captain 11th grade, JV Cheer Captain 10th Grade), 4 year Track & Field athlete, 2 year Basketball player, attended Cal Poly Summer Architecture Program.
Class Rank: 3/198


Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Biological Science
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap) 4.31
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 24.5 + 2 college classes + UC class
EC’s and major related job: 2 varsity sports, robotics, same job for 3 years, hospital ER volunteering, coaching, leadership, President NHS, etc.


Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Economics
SLO GPA: 4.22
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
In-state/OOS/International: OOS
Class rank: 6/265
Full IB Diploma Program + 1 AP in intended Major
ECs: Captain of Varsity Mock Trial, President of Congressman’s Youth Advisory Council, two jobs: trail work and law firm intern


S22 accepted for CS, in state, not local
Weighted GPA: 4.26, unsure of CSU gpa
11 APs by end of senior year
Top 9% in school, NMF,
Summer programs in CS
Lots of volunteering, job as Math tutor
ECs - band, marching band, classical violin, Science Olympiad, Taekwondo black belt


Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Biomedical Engineering
SLO GPA: Not sure but gpa is 4.5
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non-Local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 42
EC’s and major related job: independent science research, science internship at a UC, part of executive board for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, work at doctor’s office, lots of community service, softball and cheer for 4 years


Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major:Physics
SLO GPA: 3.44
In-state/OOS/International: In State
Local/Non-local: Non Local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 1 honors
EC’s and major related job: caregiver, none major related


Son admitted CS. In state not local. Many ECs including internship, orchestra, peer tutoring in CS,volunteering teaching coding in underrepresented communities. Many APs including 6 this semester. 9 honors/IB.


Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Software Engineering
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap): 4.18 SLO (used CalStateApply calculator plus 9th grade); 3.95 Unweighted
In-state/OOS/International: In-State
Local/Non-local: Non-local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 32 a-g semesters + 4 dual-enrollment semesters
EC’s and major related job: Robotics, science olympiad, foreign language, band, student government.


Admission Decision: Accepted
Major: Graphic Communication
HS unweighted GPA: 3.89
OOS : Seattle

HS course rigor : 5 APs + 5 years math, 4 years language

Lots of EC : VP on west coast regional Jewish teens Board 2 years in a row (held lower positions since 8th grade), photographer’s assistant


Admission Decision: accepted
Intended major: Philosophy
SLO GPA: 4.24
In-state/OOS/International: OOS
Local/Non-local: NA
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 6 APs, 2 Honors, multiple dual credit science courses (anatomy & physiology, sports med) plus 4 years science, 4 years foreign language, 4.5 years English, 5 years math
EC’s and major related job: decent EC’s - I think the work hours were 10 and the volunteer also 10, 4 years varsity sport, nothing major related


Admission Decision: Accepted!
Intended major: Construction management
SLO GPA: 3.98
CSU GPA (10-12): 4.12w
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non-local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 29 (Block schedule. A-2.5, B-4, C-7, D1-1, D2-4, E-2, F-7, G-1.5). 4 APs (calc A/B & B/C, comp sci, stats). 1 CC course.
EC’s and major-related job: Sports + music program (21 or more hours/week). Job/unrelated to major (11-15 hours/week).

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Admission Decision: Admitted
Intended major: Graphic Communications - UX/UI Design Concentration
SLO GPA: unsure but cumulative GPA UW 3.96, W 4.65
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: non local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 11 AP/IB , 1 DE
EC’s and major related job:
Girl Scout Gold Award - 12 years active in GS
ASG President
6 +years leadership -student gov, Girl Scouts
4 years varsity tennis/ team captain
6 presidential service awards
Rotary Youth Citizenship Award
Youth Commission Award
Part time office job - insurance
Published photographer
Strong essays


Admission Decision: Admitted
Intended major: Environmental Management and Protection
CSU GPA: UW 4.0; W uncapped 4.62 (that is not including 9th grade - not sure what SLO capped GPA is).
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: non local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 24 semesters, 8 (max) semesters of Honors/AP/DE (10-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap)
5 APs
4 Dual Enrollment

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Admission Decision: admitted
Intended major: liberal studies
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap) 4.3, three honors, seven aps, one summer college class
In-state/OOS/International: in state
Local/Non-local: not local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 5 years math, 4 years science, spanish
EC’s and major related job: women’s summer leadership program, student government, tutoring business

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Admission Decision: Admitted
Intended major: Computer Engineering
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap) 4.26
In-state/OOS/International: OOS
Local/Non-local: n/a
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 6 years math, 4 years Science, 9 IB classes
EC’s and major related job: Computer Engineering internship, Robotics, Track and X-Country Captain, E-Coli Water Tester


Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Environmental Earth and Soil Sciences
SLO GPA: 4.06 (I think?)
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non-local
HS course rigor: well-regarded school, though only 4 semesters’ worth of honors classes in 9-11; advanced math carried in from middle school, but I’m not sure how to calculate all of that
ECs: Led workshop at youth climate summit; actively involved in urban gardening program; led environmental club

Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Physics
SLO GPA: 4.15
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non-local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 5 APs, 4 Honors
EC’s and major related job: 2 varsity sports, class leadership, clubs, lifeguard, volunteer work

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Cal States don’t use essays
or look at ECs. They only have a couple of questions - basically yes or no if you participated in ECs.