Cal Poly SLO Freshman Stats Only Class of 2026

Environmental Protection
In state
23 A-G (Includes 1 AP, 2 honors, and 13 dual enrollment. 5 years English, 4 years lab science, 5 years math, 4 years language, 2 years VAPA)
ECs: 11-15 hours with leadership, work 1-5 hours related to major

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DS Accepted Mechanical Engineering

CSU GPA: 4.36 or 4.38? weighted
A-G: 25
9 AP/Honors
5 math, 4.5 English, 4 language, 1 VAPA, 7 Science

Edited to add:

EC: 21+ With leadership
Work: 5 major related

Congrats to all, this has been a very stressful admissions process for students and parents! :blush::tada:


Ah, sorry; conflated them with the UCs. Thanks for clarifying.

Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Architecture
SLO GPA: 4.75 (school has no GPA)
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: non-local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 30 total, 8-9 dual enrollment classes (mainly science and architecture classes), 4 APs (German, WHAP, Lang, GoPo)
EC’s and major-related job: in 4-6 clubs (20h+ a week) with leadership positions in most of them, full-time summer job non-major related,

Got a recommendation from their dual enrollment architecture professor who was in close contact with SLO.

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Admission Decision:
Intended major: Public Health
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap) 4.1
In-state/OOS/International: In State
Local/Non-local: non-local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 5 APs( Biology, US History, World History, English, Spanish)
EC’s and major related job:
: VP positions in clubs, Won award Southern California Regionals in Science Olympiad in Anatomy and physiology/disease detection and in top 10 in California at state level and competed at national level. Research on Delta variant and black fungus and co-authored research paper.

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Curious if there is anyone who has been accepted and has NOT received an email yet?

@123Class2023parent make sure you check junk mail. my son originally said he didn’t get an email but when he checked his junk mail folder, he found it there.


Admission Decision: Accepted
Major: Animal Science
UW GPA: 3.90
W GPA: 4.45
W&C SLO GPA: 4.10
In-state, non-local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 36 (22 AP & Honors), 9-11th grade
EC’s and major related job: Summer job as vet assistant, volunteer work blood drives 9-12th grade, student club 10+ hours/week 9-12th grade (non major related)

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Admission Decision: Accepted
Major: Industrial Technology and Packaging
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap) 4.1
In-state/OOS/International: In State
Local/Non-local: non-local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 6 APs, 5 Honors, 1 dual enrollment at a community college.
EC: Varsity athlete 3 years, team captain 1 year, part time job approx 20 hrs/week


Admission Decision: Accepted (phew!!)
Intended major: Physics
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap) Not totally sure for SLO - 3.8? (UW 3.5/HS weighted 4.3)
In-state/OOS/International: OOS
Local/Non-local: n/a
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 17 APs (including AP Physics 1 and 2) + assorted honors classes; 7 years math and maxed out on all CP A-G categories.
EC’s and major related job: NHS. National Merit Finalist. Two-sport varsity athlete. Robotics. Work (non-major) & volunteer experience

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My son was also convinced he hadn’t gotten an email, but just found it in spam.


Admission Decision: Accepted!
Intended major: Mathematics
SLO GPA: 4.22 (UW4.0 W4.33)
In-state/OOS/International: In State
Local/Non-local: Bay Area
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 4 APs, 2 honors classes, 2 dual enrollment; 5 years math, 4 years science, 4 years english, 2 years language
EC’s and major related job: 4 years of theatre with leadership roles; 2 years working as math tutor


A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Admission Decision: Admitted
Intended major: Political Science
SLO GPA: 4.17
In state
HS course rigor (#a-g courses): 6 APs and 2 honors classes
EC’s and major related job: Brand Associate at Old Navy, Associated Student Body, Leadership, Junior Class Treasurer, San Leandro Academy of Multimedia.


Admission Decision: Admitted
Intended major: Business Administration
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap): 4.23
In-state/OOS/International: OOS
Local/Non-local: Non-local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 26.5; 8 APs + 1 Honors, 6.0 years of C courses (math)
EC’s and major related job: 6-10 avg number of hours worked per week over the most recent 36 months (related to major), 16-20 avg number of hours per week in activities, Yes leadership position

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Not sure about SLO gpa. This is what is listed on her app.

I also just want to remind everyone that schools have different curriculums and philosophies and also different gpa calculation methods. Some schools start out of a 4.5 or weight differently or offer a gazillion AP and dual enrollment classes. Colleges know what each school is like and have likely seen students from all of them and know how to differentiate.

For example, my daughters school is a standard public school. We joke that it is a secret wannabe performing arts school. They have to take three years of arts and two years of vocational classes (some can overlap) and three semesters of PE. They also don’t emphasize AP classes and students are encouraged to keep balance and discouraged from taking too many. Also, the teachers in the AP classes seem to have a “oh you think you smart, let’s see how smart” attitude and make the classes more confusing and difficult than necessary.

They do not weigh gpa at all and do not class rank at all. There are no academic awards given out, including valedictorian.

Her friend who goes to cal poly went to one of the best stem high schools in the country and never took an elective. Totally different profile, both kids got in.

So take it all with a grain of salt. But it’s fun to look at the stats!

Admission Decision: Accepted!
Intended major: Psychology
SLO GPA: 4.25, UW 3.93
In-state/OOS/International: OOS
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 5 years math, 4 years lab science, 3 years spanish, AP: Lang, Lit, Physics, Calc, stats & Psych, dual enrollment anatomy and pre-Calc, honors Wherever available.
EC’s and major related job: nationally competitive at individual club sport. Two years varsity sport, one year captain, volunteer hours and such but her club sport had her on a modified school schedule. not a lot of time left for much else. National honor society.

Admission Decision: Accepted on 3/10/22
Intended major: Parks, Recreation and Tourism Administration (also known as Experience Industry Management)
SLO GPA: 4.08
In-state/OOS/International: In State
Local/Non-local: Non Local
HS course rigor (# a-g courses): 22 total years (3 AP, 5 College Courses- 3 complete at time of app)
EC’s and major related job: 4 years athletics, 1 year leadership 20 hours
1-5 hours a week work related to major.

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Admission Decision-son accepted 3/10/22
Major- CS
In state Bay Area
Cal poly gpa 4.13
Course work-AP Calc AB, AP CS P, AP CSA, APES, AP Lang, AP Lit, AP Econ, Stats and Object oriented Python through CC, 4 years Spanish, 2 years art elective, 4 years science including physics,
EC max hours, varsity sports x 4 years, NHS, volunteer awards, work related to major, leadership etc


Admission Decision-daughter accepted 3/10/22
Major- Statistics
In state - Northern CA
Cal poly gpa 4.18
Unweighted gpa -4.0
Course work-5 Honors/AP, 5 years science, 4 years math, 3 years Spanish, 4 years English
EC: sports for 2 years, clubs all 4 years, leadership of a youth group, work experience included related to major.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026