Cal poly slo or csu fullerton

<p>I plan on majoring in accounting. I'm having trouble deciding which school to choose. I also got invited into fullerton's new business honors program.</p>

<p>i dont know about cal state fullerton. Cal Poly is third in the country in alumni income. Great school…did you get accepted to SLO? If so that is the school I would choose. Just an opinion though.</p>

<p>Visit both and it will help you decide. The settings are very different, and Fullerton is going to have more commuting students than SLO. You’ll probably prefer one over the other. Academics are important in choosing a college, but between 2 sister campuses of the CSU system its nearly a wash.</p>

<p>mikemac, I don’t see the comparison. Cal Poly SLO is almost on par (undergrad) with UCs SB/I/D. Missing only some research opportunities more abundant at the UCs. However, the student SATs, GPA, etc. at SLO is equivalent to those theee mid-tier UCs and higher than the UCs at Santa Cruz, Riverside and Merced.</p>

<p>Fullerton’s Honors Business Program may be similar also, but the school as a whole is a full 100-150 SAT points (out of 1600) lower in testing ability of its students.</p>

<p>To me SLO and Fullerton are not even close to being comparable in student quality for the general campus. It would be good to see the Stats of the Business Honors students, which could very well be on par with SLO and the mid-tier UCs as well.</p>

<p>Do not let prestige to sway you, in this case there is none. Cal Poly SLO is known for engineering and CSUF is known for business/accouting.</p>

<p>I’m with Dunnin.</p>

<p>While CSUF’s biz program is strong, SLO is the full, four-year collegiate experience. Fullerton is a bunch of commuter parking lots looking for students. This is an easy choice, assuming you don’t need to commute for financial reasons.</p>

<p>I just looked up the SAT 25/75 mean. SLO is 1185 and Fullerton is 975. The average student at Fullerton is a full 200 points (out of 1600) less proficient in testing.</p>

<p>I think you’d have to really work at finding book-smart friends at Fullerton…</p>

<p>But the SAT is for the whole school. Cal Poly Engineering is very good, while I have not heard of Cal Poly business program. I’ve heard of CSUF Accouting program. There are smart kids at CSUF who study sciences and business.</p>

<p>I am a graduate of Cal Poly SLO (not in business), earned by master in accounting from another university, and their Business program has always been competitive. The Cal Poly Alumni magazine has published articles discussing how the Big 4 CPA firms recruit heavily at Cal Poly. In fact, one of the Big 4 donated a large sum of money to run a program at Poly. The best thing going for Cal Poly is their motto “Learn by Doing”. The valuable experience you gain will be very appealing to prospective employers especially in the accounting field.</p>


<p>Sorry, but their is no advantage to attending a marginally higher ranked accounting program (even if true). Now if it was between USC-Marshall and the others, it could be a big deal. </p>

<p>btw: run the math – even strong Eng program stats can’t raise the whole college’s SAT numbers by that much.</p>

<p>People with higher math SAT scorers will apply to engineering, so that is one way to claim higher SAT scores.
My daughter knows of people who are attending CSUF business program with 1900+SAT I and they are not in honors program. Big 4 CPA firms also recruit heavily at CSUF. USC-Marshall has definitely an edge but I wouldn’t discount CSUF.</p>

<p>Cal Poly SLO by far is the best CSU. Cal Poly is good in all majors except the english or music side. Other than that, it’s really good.</p>

<p>nobody is discounting the academics at CSUF. I am just saying the overall four-year collegiate experience will be much, much better at SLO (assuming money is not an issue), even if the accounting program is not quite as good (which I don’t believe). </p>

<p>Accounting is not rocket science. Santa Monica city college has a online program that you can teach yourself and become a cpa.</p>



<p>I was responding to the SAT and student quality in the above statement. Cal Poly SLO has a better campus. CSUF is all brick and mortar. It does have dorms, ie not all for commuters.</p>

<p>CSU Fullerton’s accounting is one of only five of AACSB accredited accounting program in CA along w/ USC, SCU, USD, SDSU. However, read from another thread under business major, the accounting accreditation is pretty much optional, as long as the business program is accredited. Both Fullerton and Cal Poly’s business program are accredited, so do most UC & CSU campus.</p>

<p>Stuckinillinois, where are you getting that stat on Cal Poly alumni salaries? It doesn’t sound anywhere close to correct:</p>

<p>[Top</a> Colleges For Getting Rich -](<a href=“]Top”>Top Colleges For Getting Rich)</p>

<p>I would choose Cal Poly for the college experience and beauty of the area. I think it has the better student body by far and good job placement for accountants. A breakdown of jobs held by recent grads in accounting and other business majors is floating around this site, use search and I’m sure you’ll find it helpful.</p>

<p>“I would choose Cal Poly for the college experience and beauty of the area. I think it has the better student body by far”</p>

<p>Strongly agree with this.</p>

<p>Back in the day I went to CSUF for business, the book learning part of the education was fine. The business dept has had a great reputation for years and what I was taught dovetailed well with much that I learned at a corporate level. They even had a GE honours program which was great, those science courses are something I still remember, so I think the actual education was worthwhile.</p>

<p>I have always regretted that I did not have a ‘real’ 4 year college experience, everybody commuted and there was not a real campus life. I did have a friend who got involved in campus politics and some friends who went Greek, but it seemed very lame to me.</p>

<p>If you were my kid I would advise SLO for the entire experience; if you need to live at home to save money and can commute, your actual education will be fine at CSUF</p>

<p>If you want to have a truly fun and fullfilling 4 year college experience, I would definitely go to SLO, because it is probably one of the strongest schools in the CSU system. You will not only have a good time at SLO, but you will attend the strongest programs in Business, Engineering and Liberal Arts. I would most definitely pick SLO, it is a really good school. Unless if you want to still live at home w/ mom and dad, go to CSU Fullerton. If it were my choice, I would definitely go with SLO for sure.</p>

<p>your response may be a year late</p>