Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Same here!! I really hope we don’t have to wait that long! I literally check my portal daily lol

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I never received an email that gave me access to the MyCalPoly Portal. Did everybody else already receive there’s? The last email they sent in December said I would receive it in three months but it’s been way longer than that.

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Lol! MAyb u arent in system! Lol!!

Check the junk mail or something. If not contact cal poly asap!

Correction: the email said I would receive access 3 weeks after. It’s super strange since I got the email confirming that they received my application but nothing after that.

You should have contacted Admissions in January. Call them!
MyCalPoly Portal is the only way to check if you were admitted or rejected.

I got that too. I think we all did. Lmao covid. No supplemental app

Has anyone heard back yet? I received an admission email from CalPoly Pomona, but SLO & SJSU still says no decision has been made yet.

Industrial Engineering

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I just saw right now that out of state freshman are starting to hear back. So I’m not sure when we will but it will probably been sooner than we thought?

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I was assuming the first 10 days in March, but now that I’ve heard from one I’m itching to hear from the others!


Same i need slo tohit me up cuz im gonna die if they dont

Ahhhh I hope they will start sending decisions by the first week of March then!


id expect the second week from the past data I’ve collected.

I saw on here that last year it was around March 16th but I was just hoping it was a little sooner hahaha. I read on the other discussion one student from in state got accepted…

Well who and where?

I read on the freshman discussion thread. In state from LA area

Thats at least a start. After freshman is rumored to be transfers. If anyone got in, then the ball is rolling!

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The one is the only in state I have seen between here, Reddit, and huge Facebook parent college group.

Yeah same here. That’s the only in state I’ve seen as well.