Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

aw ■■■ we aint getting ■■■■ till march then!

does slo release all decisions at once or is it rolling?


did i see a late feb!?!?! 0,0


late feb ? is that true?

Thank you for this info! I think transfer students may be the last group to get notified as well. I assume CalPoly is hoping people accept other schools first. CalPoly Pomona must be hurting if they were among the first to send letters this year.

It is rolling! Acceptances usually come out within 72 hours of each other!

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Transfers are the last to get notified! I got accepted last year and they are following the exact same time line so far.

When did you get yours?

March 16 at 10:30 at night! I am a Business Admin major and people in other deparments started getting their acceptances as early as the day before!


if you have any questions, just let me know!!!

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March 16 of last year? Are you a senior now? So we wont be getting decisions till march 15? ■■■■■■ ■■■■ jesus christ!

Im a Junior now! They wait a while to send out acceptances for transfers

You got accepted as a sophomore wth?

I was a sophmore at CC when I applied, so I came to Cal Poly as a junior.


Alright well you’ll be a sennior when I get there! Hopefully you can show me around! Unless I get rejected of course! LOL!

what was your gpa for business admin for transfer?


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An in-state freshman who was a psych major just got in tonight!

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How u know buster?!?!? LOl

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