Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

Wait so are decisions coming out next week or today? Waiting is so mentally draining.

darn alrighty, how do you like the business core classes? Got any thoughts on the information systems concentration?

Do they never come out on Fridays or something? I’ve noticed people have been saying that it’s either today or in a few weeks.

:man_shrugging: at this point nobody knows


Nobody knows when decisions are coming out. You’ll only know after they’ve dropped in your Portal or email.

Until then, it’s just a waiting game.

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I’m literally gonna puke

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Even if it’s planned to come out today, it’s not like they would tell you over the phone.

This will give you an idea of what you need to take. It’s not specific for Transfers though.

The 1st class you’ll need to take is STAT 252 if you’re a Business Administration major. That’s a prerequisite to unlock many of your concentration classes.

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Yes I was told that they are letting people know everyday. But the guy was a little hostile so I am not sure if it was accurate. So far no transfer student has received acceptance on this thread correct?



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How was it?

Thanks for all of the great information. Do you know the average Business Transfer gpa admitted from Cuesta College?

I don’t know but Admissions is not based only on GPA. You can have a low GPA but have other things that offset it.

My 2 classmates got accepted who went to Cuesta & both had 2.84 GPA.
They continued their behavior at Cal Poly & 1 was begging the Cal Poly professor for a C-- because he had 34% in our IS class.

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I don’t care for Statistics so it was hard for me. But if you took Stats recently & got a good grade it might not be a struggle. It’s a continuation or Part-2 from your Stats at community college.

  • Null, Ho, Hypothesis, Chi-Squared :joy:

is it actually not coming out today? :sob:

If it’s not today then it’s probably next week. Cal Poly Financial Aid Office doesn’t work on Fridays…

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today has been a real let down :confused:


that’s for sure

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decisions better come out early next week, but I have a feeling they won’t sigh