Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

Yes, as a humans we can pick any positivity or negativity coming from other fellow humans, its in over all atmosphere, the ‘vibe’ is actually is a real and big deal, it is what that particular surrounding projecting and that is what you are picking ! And human mind in this regard is exceptionally accurate and rarely mistaken. So Berkley (or any environment you have been) is what you described it!

hHahaha this was me too! I gasped really hard

I had to call admissions today about a concern I had and the admissions advisor (SUPER SWEET BTWW) told me that although she is not involved in the releasing of admissions, she foresees them being released next week. buttttt she did mention a maybe regarding them being released today. if anything though she sounded more certain about them being released next week


We must have gotten the same person lol. I called and the lady told me the exact same thing. After she told me that “results will come out anytime between today and April 1st” I specifically asked whether there was a real possibility for today. She told me “it is completely possible for it to come out today but [insert previous quote].”

why they gotta be like this😅

i think they gonna come out on tuesday…just personal speculation though. Because today i feel like was for the freshman not the transfers

Hahaha yes! She was super sweet though, but it sucks being on the other end of this 1-2 week long window… :persevere: I am ready to just know


Every phone call has the line “between today and April 1st” lol. They will literally say that when it’s April 1st.

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this means they are going to try something new and send out the accpetance’s waitlists and denials all at once

Hi guys! I’ve been keeping up with this thread for WEEKS now.

Cal poly is my top school and has been my dream school since middle school. I was excepted in freshman year (2020) and excepted admission, but due to Covid I stayed home and decided to attend community college.

I am hoping to be excepted for anthropology, my GPA is 3.98, and I have my transfer degree for anthropology.

I can confirm that waitlist for freshman has been released, as the girl I live with was just waitlisted for freshmen year. I assume that the transfer decisions are taking so long because of the influx of transfer application. wishing the best of luck to all of us!!!

accepted*** stupid siri

Hi Friend, I think you have an incredibly strong chance of getting!

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I reaaly really appreciate that! Hoping the best for you too. I think We will hear next week… very odd that we havent. I also havent heard from SDSU too.

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it seems that cal poly looking at their anticipated numbers, they expected 89 people to apply for transfer with an anthropology with a target number enrollment of just 6 peeps.

Omg. Cal poly will never change with the smallest amount of people to accept possible LOL


I’m not looking forward to this, I feel blindsided


About 34 transfer students are predicted for being accepted for civil engineering​:flushed:… this gives me even more of a reason to celebrate when I get admitted :pray:t3::pray:t3: I still have faith in us!!

I just read in a zeemee GC that a freshman just now got accepted…. I’m not sure how accurate that is but maybe they’re rolling out more admissions?


I really hope my stats are good enough! This is so stressful. I know business administration has a ton of apps but I wonder what amount of them are actually competitive.