Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

SLO doesn’t accept AS-T for business so it would be a non-factor I think. And yeah all the major pre-recs are listed as required courses, which I am finishing up my last two this semester. I think it is fairly common for applicants to still have a few required courses in progress during the spring!

Hmm, I thought I remembered a friend doing ADT for Biz, mainly for SDSU & SLO. Doesn’t matter.

But I do agree that surely most people still have In Progress Required Transfer courses for Spring semester.:crossed_fingers:

Heck there could be a handfull of local Cuesta & Alan Hancock locals that take transfer spots & skew gpa. :sob:

2020 was a Monday & 2021 was a Wednesday. :joy:

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I’m 100% sure we’ll hear by April 1st.

right? … right?

Yeah tbh im very positive it’ll be out by the 1st


Do you know if I accept one of the CSU’s (Long Beach let’s say) which admitted me already, am I required to attend Fall classes there or I can postpone it and start in Spring 2023 instead ?

I would email admissions at CSULB but my understanding is that if you enroll for Fall, you need to attend Fall. If you want to start in Spring 2023, you could ask to defer but most likely you will have to reapply.

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welp this wait has done so much damage i have turned delusional lol


Cal Poly is very random.

I’ve seen 2.8 GPA get accepted to Business Administration & I’ve seen lots of 4.0 GPA rejected from Computer Science.

Their decision process is made behind closed doors & is secretive among a small group in order to prevent it from being leaked so students don’t start gaming the system.
It’s not based on GPAs alone, therefore no predictions can be made.

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Thank you!

aka they have a bunch of applicants id’s on a dart board and they close their eyes and just throw and wherever it lands that person gets accepted

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2.8 gpa I assume could be local, a Native / pacific islander, veteran … ? and or anyone in-between :thinking:

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also attending their SLO’s local cc

I always forget geographic location is also a factor

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So it seems today was not it. it HAS to be next week, hopefully, Monday :pray:

Yup, that too

Both 2.8 GPAs were admitted Local. They are still C–. students at Cal Poly & 1 of them getting F’s. Shocking that someone else lost a spot to that behavior.

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I’m hoping these guys not competing against me in my major lol.

Oh ok, so those were the guys you were saying about in the beginning…

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Those guys rub me wrong so I keep bringing them up.
They’re slackers & several hard workers got denied by Cal Poly so they irritate me every time I see them in class. :joy: