Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

Wishing the best for everyone next week! Hopefully, we all get that Cal Poly acceptance! :smiley:


time to go through last week’s emotions and process again :sweat_smile: :pray:


It HAS to be this week……right?..…


Best of luck this week to all of us! Hoping we all are accepted and our stress is relieved :sob::pray:t3:

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I am an agriculture science major applying to Cal Poly. I have a 3.85 GPA, a leadership position for the ag club, 15-20 hours of 100% major related work a week, first generation college student an high As in all my major classes. I still need to complete 2 classes over summer to be done. Am I screwed?

Are those 2 classes over summer required for your major or GE or electives?

they are required for GE. I have all my major classes done but its history and college algebra. I have already take stats and history 1a

Cal Poly & the rest of colleges make decisions based on Spring as their cut-off. They actually say that they won’t consider summer classes in their decisions.

So as long as your other classes fulfill the requirements, you’re eligible.
I’m assuming your Stats is a transferable math so not having college algebra wouldn’t prohibit you from transferring even tho you might need to take it at Cal Poly. I’m not sure what the history would satisfy in regards to prohibiting you.

Compelling pieces of writings in your EOPS app when you answered the questions mostly.

I am also an EOP aplicant,well lets hope it helps, but to be honest, all other CSU’s that accepted me so far (and EOP aplication also in their realm) I have no idea and or any indication if I was accepted because of EOP or not, I dont know if its even possible to check ? I didnt receive any welcome to EOP letter or anything like that from any of these admitted colleges, so I am not sure how diffrent the Cal Poly will be ? … How about you ? Is it the same situation with you ? ( I am assuming you also applied to other CSU’s as well ? )

I wonder is Admissions is even open over Spring Break? Wish we knew if the head of Admissions takes the week off? Then we could all take the week off from worrying.

The registrar’s website specifies that today is a “faculty workday”. The need to specify this might indicate that they won’t be working for the rest of spring break. The official “academic holiday” begins tomorrow, per their website. I’m not sure though. Are Monday acceptances unheard of?

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Couldn’t they also just release decisions throughout their spring break?

I think they do because my buddy who transferred in 2018 got admitted march 23rd

I think over break usually faculty still works not professors and such though

I heard it does, but the CSUs never told us about this. And I don’t think they will ever do because of sort of unfair advantage they gave to these students.
EOPS qualification depends on other factors like income too, I think. I’ve been accepted by SJSU but they haven’t released my financial aid package info so I can’t be sure.

2020 acceptances was a Monday @ 5:24 PM

boy I would die to see what is going on behind the scenes in the admission office

Im praying we see some acceptances at 11am then faculty takes the rest of the week off and starting next week we see waitlists till ultimately denials are on april 1

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Depends how you interpret their website. If there’s not work happening this week, then I’d think that would be unlikely. I also don’t know anything about the process on their end, so this is really just speculation on my part. Plus a little wishful thinking that it could be today lol