Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

This is freaking ridiculous we either have to hear today or they are going to break their own website the week of april 1. Which Cal Poly faculty member Okayed the idea of dropping freshman declines, transfer acceptances, waitlists, and denials in a 5 day period

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Can call the Admission Office after 12 today. Until then, I don’t think we should waste time in speculating.


If you guys got accepted by Cal Poly, would you be going?
Or are you awaiting for other colleges?

YES 100% i will submit my intent to enroll the second I see it says i was admitted


I’m awaiting also on UCSD, so it really depends on my UCSD’s admission decision as well.

Local and only college I applied to :cold_sweat:

I am also waiting on UC Davis, I would have to pick between the two :slight_smile:


Looks like they are working this week.

Historically, I believe denials tend to drop on Fridays around 5pm when the admissions office is closed. I suspect the CSUs do this to avoid hundreds of immediate panic phone calls about appeal options. Can anyone confirm from the prior year CC history if denials have historically come out on Fridays?

Have the freshman denials gone out yet? If not, im thinking Frosh denials hit this Friday and transfers start hearing back next week. Hope im wrong and they denied the freshman last week and this week will be transfer week. Im sick of waiting. My kid is going to SDSU anyway, so I’m not super plugged into what has dropped already for Slo, but I’m rooting for all of you to get in (esp my buddy @TelevisionRomance ) and I still wanna know if my kid got in or not, just to know.


Last year I was rejected from Cal Poly SLO on Thursday, April 1st at 3:03 pm.

No Freshman denials yet, was waitlists last week on Fri.

Waiting on UCSC, UCD, UCSD and UCSB who is not releasing transfers until April 21, 2022, a full 30 days after Freshman. That is super frustrating.

At this point Cal Poly Humboldt is looking good. :slight_smile:

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Yes. I would accept their admissions offer immediately. My top choice school!

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At least UC’s have a set decision date unlike cal poly who just said “anytime before april 1”


Oh my goodness, those decision dates for UC transfers are horrible. The way this whole system is run is a freakin’ clown show.

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Do we know that freshman denials need to come out before transfer acceptances?

It seems like, in the past, they finish up the freshman and move on to transfers. I could be wrong, need someone who has done that data analysis about the flow of decisions posted on CC in past years to chime in.

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No, at this point nothing is certain, I thought the order was supposed to go

Freshman acceptance> transfer acceptance> then freshman waitlist and transfer waitlit> then rejections

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2020 - Denials came out Wednesday, March 18… 2 days after acceptances were announced.

2021 - Denials came out Thursday, April 1st… 17 days after acceptances were announced.

Thank you for the research @CalPolySL0 seems like no rhyme or reason to the order so we pretty much cannot predict what will happen and when it will happen unless someone has a magical crystal ball.

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Good article on how competitive admissions to SLO are this year

it seems here there were only 9,005 peop;e who applied

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