Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

oh my god!!! Great minds think alike! I just found this article

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Omg hahhaha we posted same article at same time. :joy:

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I typed cal poly and hit the news section on google and skimmed the article and seen that admissions were down from 10,000+ to 9,005 and came to make a rant on how slow they are HAHAAH


15k 4.0 students denied admission in 2021, ugh

Ok, who is calling Admission to see if they are working this week?

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“First-time freshman applicants — those looking to enter immediately after high school — applied in greater numbers than ever to the university, while TRANSFER applications were DOWN.” …
Ok, we can pass this, lol.
Just joking.
Good article though.


When I tried an hour ago, the queue was about 10 callers so I just hung up because I had other stuff to do. I’ll try again soon tough.


I was trying to see the major stats through one of the links in the article but it requires me to subscribe to their newsletter… Lame :unamused:

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so its safe to say that the transfer acceptance rate should go up huh? in the article it says that the target enrollment is set to be slightly higher this year as well as applicants be lower.


Just called Cal Poly Admission Office. They will work for every week days of this week (no day off for this week). Their only day off will be March 31st. So you guys can expect the very last day the decision can roll out is March 30st.


Probably busy answering calls from freshmen parents lmao


Hmm, I wonder why they are off on March 31st? Too many phone calls that day?

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Probably, yeah… You know how people can get crazy about their admission decisions… :rofl:

It’s Cesar Chavez Day!


No wonder my Calendar was only $1, it doesn’t list that Holiday but lists Canadian holiday. :sweat_smile:

Anyone else just look at your major classes and be like mhmm maybe I’ll get the chance to take that.

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There’s an interesting chart in this article. Twenty years ago, CalPoly wasn’t all that difficult to get into. Since 2000, the # of applicants have gone up more than 3-fold while the # of students enrolled has changed less than 30%. That’s a meteoric rise in the level of difficulty in getting into CalPoly, and I’d be hard-pressed to see any other public in California that has close to those type of numbers.

No wonder Humboldt transitioned to Cal Poly Humboldt.


are you saying that they are down for transfers this year?

Humboldt is still Humboldt. I believe the CSU did the name change in attempt to collect more students over time based on the name “Cal Poly”. Humboldt accepts a lot of students when the application period is still open. That alone tells you a lot.

True, they only converted Humboldt because the enrollment was so bad, the school was projected to shut down. SJSU is the only CSU I can think of that IMO deserves to also be a Cal Poly.

The biggest “issue” with Humboldt is location. While it’s absolutely beautiful up there (Humboldt Redwood State Park might be the most amazing ‘under the radar’ place in all of California to visit if you love the outdoors, and that’s saying something) it’s a good 5 hour drive from the Bay Area and +10 hrs from LA. It’s remote location and lack of large population centers nearby are probably its biggest issues.

You can fly to Eureka, but they’re small planes and usually quite expensive.

Again, CalPoly wasn’t always as crazy-popular as it is now. I hope that the name change and, moreover, the curriculum change helps it to grow in both reputation and popularity. With so many CSUs and UCs being so over-crowded- the state needs some of the newer/less-crowded schools to pick up the slack.

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