Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

Does anyone know whether transfer acceptances roll out at the same time freshman acceptances do? Or is it like the UC system where transfers only hear after freshmen?

Transfers hear after Freshman.


Thanks for the quick reply! So just to doublecheck, they release the decision order as such:
freshman acceptance, transfer acceptance, freshman waitlist, transfer waitlist, freshmen rejection, transfer rejection?

I do know the Freshman applicant decision order but not sure about the Transfer applicants. I just know Transfers hear after the Freshman.

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So, this Monday through Wednesday, around 6pm pst, transfers can hear about decisions by going off the last 2 years. I’m hoping tomorrow lol


Thats what im thinking, hell the second they send me that acceptance im going to a submit my intent to enroll im not even going to wait until Financial aid packages come out Lol


Yeah, same! Good luck with housing :face_holding_back_tears:


does anyone know if decisions come out in the portal first and then the email comes out a little later? or are they around the same time? I thought I saw in the 2021 transfer thread that it came out in the portal first, but I didn’t know the time gap in between that and the email.

apparently they come out on april 6 so guess whos pulling an all nighter in hopes of being the first one to apply for on campus housing

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The freshman admits would come out on the portal first and then an email usually a few hours later. I am guessing the transfers would be notified this way too.

im going to be checking my portal so hard on tmmrw :joy:


Good luck everyone!! I hope we all get in :slight_smile:


the fact that this week is finally here :sweat_smile: GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! I had a dream last night that I got waitlisted butttt let’s hope everyone on here gets an acceptance this week :partying_face:


Just curious when posting stats for pre reqs is it the required and desired courses or just the required course section.

I believe acceptances were released on March 15th last year and March 17th the year before. I know freshman acceptances we’re just released last Thursday, so I’m thinking we could hear later in the week. I also believe they might spread acceptances into a few days. Best of luck everyone, we all earned our acceptances and we’re all going to get in! :relaxed:


Today wasn’t our day, Tomorrow will be :pray:


If you’re feeling optimistic, check tonight around 630ish PST. I think that was last years time for transfers from looking at the 2021 thread.


So Fall 2021 applicants got notified of their admission status at 6:26 PM on March 17, 2021. Fall 2020 applicants heard on March 16, 2020. Surprisingly, in Fall 2019, people heard all the way back in March 8-ish. There seems to be a trend in the admission decision date being later and later each year. So I think it is likely we will hear this Thursday or Friday.


as long as it is this week I am 100% okay with waiting,

I just make sure to take my melatonin at night so I can sleep real good and hopefully end the day quicker.


Rest of march and most of april are gonna be real slow considering how late uc results are coming in too :confused:

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