Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

for me this is my last school decision, i didnt apply to uc’s because i didnt take the proper math courses (calc 1 and 2) i only took business calc plus i didnt wanna take a language class and risk failing. lowkey kinda kicking myself for not trying

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You are a Veteran, I sure hope you are a first pick for admission! :crossed_fingers: Thank u for your service!


I’m currently taking business calc right now. So far it’s been super easy and I wish I took the harder math route, but I’m sure it will work out for both of us!

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Thank you! :saluting_face: we should all be fine though, praying to admission gods

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Yup, I am also sure you will get in, veteran status is a huge plus! … if you don’t mind me asking, how many college units you have (transfer units at least) ?

41 complete 19 in progress (yes it has been a wild semester)

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I see…

heres to praying today is the day! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE


Checking the portal makes me so nervous! We all got this though :smiley:


Yes, good luck!

Isn’t the first wave of transfer admissions usually just for acceptance decisions? Has there been any case where people got rejected in the very first wave of admissions roll out?

yup is usually acceptances then waitlists then denials. but there can be several waves of acceptances

Well then, no wave yet for transfer as far as I can tell.

yep this still have yet to release them, im thinking later today around 3-6pm if nothing drops then it will be tomorrow haha


My D has applied for a transfer student in Environmental Science. TBH, I wish some of the most competitive CSUs such as Cal Poly, SDSU, LBS had something like the TAG program for transfers like most of the UCs do. My D got the TAG at UC Davis and they were very specific as to what a student needed to do to get the TAG.

So while she’s somewhat nervous, she knows that she has a really good option “in the bag” so whatever other schools she gets into (she applied as well to UCSB, UCSC, SDSU and CalPoly) just offer up more things to choose from.

Certainly something that more schools should look into to remove the anxiety for students.

SDSU has a TAG program but it is for local applicants.SDSU%20Transfer%20Admission%20Guarantee%20(TAG)%20provides%20an,admission%20area%20community%20colleges%20in%20the%20fall%20term.

SDSU does actually have its very own TAG program, but it is aimed at local San Diego area transfer students. (Info here: Transfer Pathways | SDSU)

Oops, crossposted with @Gumbymom. (I’m too slow!)

Isn’t “competitive” the very reason why schools like Cal Poly refuses to offer something like a TAG? None of the mid to high-level UCs like UCSD, UCLA, or UCB offers TAG.
TAG is not generally good for them basically because the schools risk losing spots for more compelling students. And that’s also the exact reason why UCs have more and more restrictions for TAG over the years.

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Like it or not, I think something like TAG devalues an “already competitive and reputable” school to a certain extent.
There is almost no incentive for people to strive more than what is necessary to get into a school if there exists a set bar (applied to people whose their TAG school is also their top choice)
Not to mention people will try to circumvent the system.
As for people who strives more than necessary means, it’s because, more often than not, their top choice school is some other school. The TAG is merely a backup, a last resort.
So you see. I don’t think it’s a good idea to make truly “competitive” schools have TAG. It can be good short-term-wise for the students who got it but long-term consequences may be unknown to us. Looking back to it from the future, we may regret supporting it in the first place.

Fingers crossed transfer students here back soon!! I am very nervous about SLO