Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

i’m still waiting to hear back

Is anyone able to sign up for orientation dates yet ?

Not yet I believe in the live stream yesterday they said it would be coming out soon

April 6th is when you sign-up for SLO Day & WOW.

SLO Day will be virtual for Transfers but in-person for Freshman.

SLO Day is August 10 & 11. You will attend only 1 of those days. That day is assigned by your major & that list hasn’t been released yet.

Can someone explain on campus housing? Do I find roommates before April 6th the website is confusing me

If there is any girl interested in a roommate in here message me :slight_smile:

For conditional acceptances, is it not likely that they will rescind the offer? I

as long as you dont fail any courses youre good to go


Just follow their rules that they’ve laid out for you & you’re admitted.

The 2 main things that get someone’s offer rescinded are that their official transcripts don’t match their application or their Spring grades that are in-progress imploded & they either failed, dropped, or their semester GPA decreased below the minimum.

Has anyone heard today?

Nah, still nothing.

Okay perfect thank you both! I actually forgot to put my AP exams in my coursework but I did input them on the other page on the application so I was a little nervous about those scores.

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How long does it take after accepting admission for Financial Aid to load?

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2 - 4 days

You don’t have to accept admission for it to show, right? Just 2-4 days after you were admitted?

Correct - You don’t have to accept to see your Financial Aid.
However, you have until May 1st to accept but since there’s no fee, it won’t go against you or cost anything if you accept now & withdraw later to go somewhere else.

Has anyone heard anything for architecture?

A few people I know have gotten accepted, I’m still waiting to hear too though

so on our todo list now we have required immunizations thinggie now @CalPolySL0 do you know how this works?

Go to your Doctor, bend over & get stuck multiple times for any immunizations that you didn’t get yet. :joy: Get started early because they are a series over the course of 6 months.

Most of the immunizations you already got when you were 5 y/o before entering the school system. (MMR/ Measles, Mumps, Ruebellla), etc.
For those, contact your doctor & have them send you immunization records to Cal Poly.

If you’re living in the Dorms - Get vaccinated for Meningitis and Hepatitis A & B because you’re in close quarters.

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