Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

The TAG is definitely gamed. Affluent families who have children that didn’t get in as freshman now “send their kids away” to live in an apartment and attend a community college to get the local priority TAG, which often has a low GPA requirement, even though the families are not technically local. I believe the only requirement is all of the transfer credits have to be from the local cc, so you have to know about this and choose the cc accordingly. I have known several families who have done this with certain California colleges that have local TAG programs. The TAG is meant to help local students who probably couldn’t afford to go away to a far off school, but it is abused by some, like everything else i suppose.

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Called Cal Poly Admissions a few minutes ago. The admissions adviser I talked to stated that they had not even started going through transfer applications yet and that decisions should come within 2 weeks. :man_shrugging:


How can they be 2+ weeks behind schedule? Unless they are now revising admission numbers cause of Berkeley changes in enrollment. This is beyond agonizing…:cry:

Why would CSU Cal Poly SLO change their numbers due to UC Berkeley? That’s silly lol
Still, I don’t see someone giving away information over the phone.

I honestly think they have a contest to make up the lamest excuses to callers. There is no way that is true! I don’t believe it! Lol


Lol you might be right. However, I encourage other people to call admissions and see if they get the same response as I did.

This is incorrect, there is no such thing as a “local priority tag”. The GPA requirements to get in through TAG are the same regardless of what community college you attend.

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that’s ridiculous ■■■

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ayo what the frick

Because decreasing enrollment at UCB could inturn increase acceptances at CP and other universities that were #2 on peoples lists. It has been talked about on a lot of different college forums. It is a factor. Now that legislators have rewritten CEQA to exempt UCB, they can proceed with full enrollment of the original admission numbers for Freshman, OOS, International & Transfers. Hoping this frees up more spots at CPSLO.

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I think they must just say anything to get people of their phones, gotta be lol aint no way open house is april 9? I think and you just now are sending them april first 1? do they think people are going to commit the second the get their decision.


well i know i am going to do that but a majority of people arnt

I find it hard to believe that they’ve had our applications for months now and will have to go through 10,000+ applications in 2 weeks and send them out. that just doesn’t seem right


10k Transfer apps? I heard CSU transfer applications were down. Eek

there was almost 11,000 transfer applications last year at slo

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sdsu had like 25,000 they still got them out on march 1 !

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Can somebody else also give them a call? Maybe they will give different info lol

Wow, I strongly disagree. Firstly, my point was that the TAG helps to remove the guesswork for a lot of anxious students and that schools like CalPoly should at least look into a similar program. And, you want to talk about “gaming the system?” Plenty of affluent families spend tens of thousands of dollars to hire tutors, college coaches etc to help their child get into elite universities that only a small handful of less affluent students could only dream of. Are those parents of HS-seniors “gaming” the system too?

My D had to take classes at three different CCs to get the required classes to qualify for the TAG- as well as earn (and ultimately, maintain) her TAG status. Now, maybe schools will look at increasing the min GPA to earn the TAG if the program’s too popular. That’s fine. But to make a student feel ‘less than’ because they indeed ‘played by the rules’ and earned the TAG is very wrong.