Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

is this for freshman or transfer?

the “continue to release admissions” makes me believe its for freshman

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I wonder if the person on the other end was just a student :stuck_out_tongue:

oh god i just called again and was told april 1st

I just asked for admits to see if I could get a narrowed response other than the stock”by April 1”

im so sick of that date


Well, I just called them. I think we can all agree (because the responses for this part are the same) that they haven’t even looked at the transfer applications. But the lady I talked to said it could be this week or at most 2 weeks for decisions to roll out.


I think they say April 1st bc not everyone would necessarily hear back on the same date.


this is a coordinated attack they are doing to us


Since admissions typically come out in waves

I can’t wait another 2 weeks :sweat_smile: I need to know now lol, I’m going to go crazy



literally :joy:

At this rate, I’ll probably know my UC Davis decision before SLO.

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Correct for SLO but incorrect for some California schools who do give local priority to transfers with GPAs as low as 2.5. SDSU is one example.

Yes, admission roll out comes in waves. April 1st may be the deadline for the last wave. The lady I talked to basically said the firs wave could be within this week, but she didn’t know for sure neither.

how would this april first date even work there is 17 days left what are they going to do 2 waves of acceptances 1 this week 1 next week then waitlist and denials on april first?

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We are talking about different TAGS. Are you referring to the UC TAG with no local priority?

I’m referring, for example, to the SDSU LOCAL TAG where families from other parts of Ca send their kids to “away” to cc in San Diego to get local priority for admission with a lower GPA than the statewide applicant pool. That is gaming the system.

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What we can do now is just waiting, finishing all the requirements for admission and registration, and waiting again…
You guys may want to pay attention to the immunization requirements, especially of the Meningococcal Vaccination. I know that I haven’t satisfied this requirement :sweat_smile: so I’ll be getting some more vaccines next week to avoid any delay when the decisions actually comes out.

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yup, I have a couple exams I need to finish up this week for my 8 week classes. Hopefully by studying time will fly by