Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2023

This is very helpful, thank you. I actually received my financial aid offer really quickly, like 2 or 3 days after I was offered admission, but it doesn’t look like I got Scholars sadly. I was really looking forward to it so that I could use the additional aid towards housing, but since I didn’t get it I’ll probably end up just commuting to save money. I’m thinking maybe I didn’t get it since all of my tuition was covered by other grants, but who knows. I’m not really sure how it works. I still would’ve really appreciated all of those additional benefits as well.

According to their website, scholars is for high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds. I literally have a 0 EFC, come from a really low-income family, have a pretty good GPA as a transfer, I’m local and I’m also Hispanic. Maybe it’s because my GPA wasn’t perfect, but then again, I’ve taken a lot of units at my CC. Lol here I am trying to find a reason for it. They must be super selective for it then because I don’t even know a single person that was offered scholars as a transfer.

I did, I heard back from another university that I was accepted into EOP at their school but I’ve heard nothing about it from Cal Poly. I don’t know the timeline of when they send out acceptances for EOP though.

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Interesting! I was accepted by a few CSU campuses, but still no word yet on anything EOP-related. I’ve been highly anticipating to hear back from Cal Poly on that.

Would you mind telling me which school notified you about an EOP acceptance (particularly if it’s a CSU, if not then no worries)?

Of course! It was Chico that accepted me for EOP. I only applied there because I got my application fee waived, but now it gives me some hope that I might get into the program at Cal Poly.

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Does anyone know if Cal Poly sends reject letters soon? Or do I hav ego wait till April 1st? I hate how long this process has been. I wanna commit to my second choice, but I don’t wanna jump the gun.

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Heard nothing so far. Has to be this week.

Waitlists rolled out on 29th last year fwiw

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Just got waitlisted! Some friends heard the same today, all for political science. Good luck to you all who are still waiting!

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yup just got waitlisted (im the friend lol)

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Since you’ve applied 3 times & obviously completed everything 3 years ago, what have you been doing during each of the 3 years while waiting?

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Still no decision for CM:(

1st - out of high school , decided it was cal poly or community college
2nd - transfer after 3 years of community college, hadn’t taken chem and bombed out of uc admissions - denied from Davis , Santa Barbara, San Diego, Berkeley, CP Slo with 3.94 and most prereqs completed
3rd- here

Just checked my portal. Saw no waitlist which is almost favorable as I prefer to write an appeal and get a response back quicker. Makes it easier to figure out housing at SDSU.

Thank you for telling me! I’m glad to hear that you were notified by a CSU specifically. I feel like any discussions surrounding EOP admissions are hard to find, especially for transfers. Are you planning to commit to Cal Poly? I hope we hear back from them soon!

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Hey I’m gonna go to SDSU now too!

no problem ! and yeah i agree, i even asked a counselor at my CC and they said they should release EOP decisions soon but who knows, they’re just super busy with admissions rn so they’re probably just focusing on that til the deadline. but yeah hopefully they’ll let us know soon and yeah i decided to commit to cal poly ! it was my top choice and it’s close to home (plus i don’t care to wait for UC decisions) so i clicked the accept button !

have cal poly waitlist come out yet?

My mistake, some waitlisted decisions came out March 28.

Officially rejected today! Haha not good news of course but I’m happy to have closure. Good luck to everyone still waiting! :slight_smile:

Was also officially rejected. Honestly, I’m a little surprised, I felt my gpa was quite competitive and I had plenty of classes complete

Daughter was rejected as well, but I am actually glad it was not a waitlist decision so she can move on. Congrats to those of you accepted! Wishing all applicants the best.

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