Cal Poly Transfer - Animal Science Chances & Gpa?

I want to apply to cal poly, probably both colleges, this fall for animal science.

My GPA is 3.1, I had some family deaths a year ago. I had to petition to retake courses and removed some bad grades, it was approved. But, I have a few Ws and I realize my current GPA is too low.

I have a few more chem classes to take, and a math class, that if I get good grades in…should bring my GPA up enough? I am playing with numbers at the moment to see what outcome may be if i do well in those classes.

My extra curricular activities and other pros are:

  • vice pres. of family owned nonprfit for horses and troubled youth, planned lessons and ran summer camps
  • childhood of barrel racing, gymkhana, and working on a family ranch with all sorts of livestock
  • summer intern with a large animal vet in senior high school year
  • 1 year working at small at vet clinic assisting surgery, doing blood draws, catheters, etc.
  • graduated hs on honor roll
  • still currently ride horses, barrel race and show occasionally, train and give lessons
  • obtained my associates degree in social and behavioral sciences at community college (helped me teach children with disabilities to ride horses)
  • raise and butcher my own meat rabbits, to sell to locals
  • member of sdsu prevet club for 1 “cycle” volunteered at shelters and hospitals, fundraiser, etd.

What are my odds of getting in…with a gpa not much past 3.2 in case I do poorly on the other classes? Or if I do well and have higher…? I’ll try to post numbers later. Any advice to help? I am currently searching for a vet assist job with large animals/horses adn would like to rejoin the prevet club.

Chico and fresno are also options…I am worried about low gpa and course-load, as I the last semester I only took one or two classes at a time (science, health related).

THANK you sooo soo much for any responses.
Fresno is pretty transparent about transfer GPA thresholds - and it looks like you need a 3.2 as a non-local transfer. CP SLO is probably going to be a stretch. CPP is hard to say… I think Chico is 60/40 in your favor with a 3.1.

CSU Stan would probably be a safe target.