Cal TAP Requirement?

<p>I know that Cal TAP is for low income and minority but I cant find its requirement. I'll go to meet my CC transfer center next week but, just in case, if you guys know the details and dont mind to share it, it would be great.</p>

- Do they require to meet some specific honors courses like UCLA TAP?
- How much to be classified as low income?
- Do I have to take any classes at UCB to meet TAP requirement?
- When is the deadline if I'm going to apply for Fall 2010?</p>


<li>I believe it’s less than $60k per year.</li>
<li>I don’t think there is a deadline. You should wait to speak with your counselor about that one.</li>

<p>I totally have to sign up for Cal TAP, the other thread said that my school (PCC) hosts it.</p>

yea man, both grey and i go to pcc and we’re both in the program… if you need more info on Cal’s TAP send me a pm…</p>

<p>Although I think the professor and quality of education at my CC is awesome, I really wish we had all these programs.</p>

<p>Because we are so small, we don’t have any honors program or Cal TAP. There is another CC (which is way bigger) about 45 minutes away from me that does have Cal TAP and an honors program, but that school lost it’s accreditation last year and quite frankly, it stinks in comparison to my CC.</p>

<p>Nonetheless, if your school does have TAP program, being a part of it will be a definite plus. Good Luck.</p>

<p>I believe the deadline is before fall semester starts</p>