calculator question for calc bc

<p>are you allowed to use both a ti 89 and ti 84 (or any 2 calculators) at the same time, or can you only use one? i want to use the ti 89, but know that it may be quicker to graph somethings via the 84. thanks</p>

<p>Uh i think u can use both at the SAME time. Not only have one for backup, but use them cocurrently. I know for me last year in the AB exam my 89 froze for like 20 minutes so i started using my 83, but u can use them together. Of course someone correct me if i am wrong.</p>

<p>You are allowed to use two calculators at any time in a calculator section, so long as both calculators are approved for AP usage.</p>

<p>Typically, there will be very little (if anything) that you would need to do on the AP Calculus exams that would cause one of your calculators to spend a tremendous amount of time thinking, assuming you're doing the problems correctly.</p>

<p>So the primary purpose of a second calculator would be: (1) the batteries died on one of them, or (2) you're more familiar with some functions on one calculator and other functions on the second calculator.</p>

<p>I suppose the other thing that you could use it for is additional memory storage, in case one of them gets full, but you don't need any programs to be successful on the AP Calculus exam if you know the concepts (and many of the ideas that you would want programs for appear on the non-calculator section anyway).</p>

<p>thanks guys, I just wanted to make sure about the policy</p>

<p>Yeah see i typed in the wrong thing (more like not correctly) in my calculator and pressed "enter" to intergrate and it froze for a litttle. I did well on the exam anyways though.</p>