CalGrant A on Reserve

I have a question that I can’t seem to find an answer to online. Situation:

  • A student is entering his freshman year at a California community college.
  • He was awarded a CalGrant B, But was also told that he was awarded a CalGrant A that is being held in reserve until he transfers to a university. I understand that CalGrant A can only be used at a 4-year, so that’s all fine.
  • Here is my question: If, when he submits the FAFSA in 2019-20 (the year he will be applying to transfer to a university), his mom’s income has increased to the extent that he would not be eligible for a CalGrant A at that time, will he LOSE the CalGrant A funds that are being held in reserve for him from 2018-19? Her income was low enough to qualify for the grant for this school year (because the FAFSA us based on the “year prior prior” taxes), but since then, she changed jobs and received a raise that isn’t very significant, but that might just put the family over the CalGrant income maximum when they submit the FAFSA again.

Bottom line: Will he lose the CalGrant A funds that have technically already been awarded, and are being held in reserve if their family income exceeds the CalGrant maximums on the 2019-20 FAFSA?

Call the Calgrant office at the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). Not every answer is specific to you and would be posted online.
CalGrants will be based on the 2018 income levels.

Don’t feel intimidated. They are very informative and want to help you. Have your Calgrant info in front of you when you call

IMO, yes, he would lose the funds if he doesn’t qualify at the time he goes to use them. The FAFSA is filed every year and the FA awarded for that year based on that filing. If he were at the 4 year UC now, and got the Cal A now, but then was still in college in two years, his qualification would be for that school year based on the FAFSA.

They really aren’t holding the money for him. You have to qualify for the year you want to use the grant.