Camp 1831 Experiences - Is it good for Freshman to attend?

My DD2 was invited to attend Camp 1831. Is this a good experience? She signed up to live in Honors Suite Housing and is going into Mechanical Engineering.

I am just wanting to know if I should encourage her to sign up.

The other two programs to consider (for Honors College students) are Alabama Action and Outdoor Action. All 3 camps are excellent to ease students into college, to introduce them to a new friends, to move into the dorms earlier (by a week or so)…and to do some good community service work.

I will add this link to a search I just did of threads (by typing in ‘camp 1831’) in the magnifying glass icon (next to page #s on home page of UA forum) - not sure if it will come up for you, but you can search yourself if it doesn’t come through:

I think Honors Action might be a better way to go if she has to choose, but hopefully somebody who attended Camp 1831 will chime in. One of the nice perks of Honors Action is that you get an hour pass/fail honors credit for the fall semester:

Current sophomore here, I attended both Alabama Action and Camp 1831. Camp was so much better than I ever expected. Honestly both are amazing programs. If you can do both, you should. Alabama Action/Outdoor Action, really helps with adjusting to college by helping you navigate around and make friends. Camp 1831 was shorter but also very fun and helpful. If you have any specific questions, let me know (: I know a lot about all 3.

I think that your twins would better benefit from Alabama Action, Outdoor Action, or Black Belt Experience.

Are they considering one of those?

My daughter is thinking about Black Belt or Outdoor Action? She does like to do outside activities, canoeing, etc.

Son is neutral but probably will do it if she does. He follows her lead on these types of things.

Our DS (who isn’t an outdoors-man by any stretch of the imagination) had a great time at Outdoor Action (though he did say it was hot) he felt like they really accomplished worthwhile things and made a lot of new friends.

My son went to Camp 1831 and had a great time! He also met a few friends as well. The main reason he attended, was that his siblings school the same week and we couldn’t be there for the move in. Signing up for Camp 1831 allowed him to move in sooner and the unexpected bonus was the friends he made!