Honors Action Week

My son has been accepted to the Honors College and wants to do Honors Action Week. Does anyone have experience with this program? He’s leaning towards the Health Action since he’s premed. I would love to hear from someone with experience with that program, but if you have experience with the other ones please share.

My son did this program and Camp 1831 last year. He enjoyed both activities. He did “mildly complain” when he found out that his friends from Camp 1831 didn’t do an Honors Action program, so he wasn’t able to hang out with them until he finished his activities later in the day. In my opinion, both programs are great, but if you can swing it, I would highly recommend sending him to Camp 1831 too.

My son will be a freshman in the honors program also. Thinking of Biology with a pre-med path. I was wondering the same thing. I think both camps sound great. He is a bit quiet so I want him to meet as many people as possible before school starts so he doesn’t sit in his dorm room. any suggestions would be welcome!!

also not sure how the timing will work. We are from Illinois so I hate to send him down there so early. Not sure when we can move him in.

My son did Alabama Action four years ago this summer. He moved in early, the same week a lot of the young women rushing did. Great opportunity to get acclimated before the campus is deluged with students and to make a few friends. Not familiar with the Health Action program, but I’ve never heard a bad thing about any of them.

My son is going too! Biochem and premed. He is hoping for Health action. He is a bit quiet too and won’t really know anyone. We are coming from GA- he loved the Honors College at Bama and that’s what sold him.
Do you know what happens if they aren’t accepted in an action program? Just curious. I called yesterday and for Health Action they help with school
vision screenings and school gardens. Sounds cool!

The only reason they would not be accepted to an Action Program is if they had reached maximum capacity. I believe Health Action is newer and expands the amount of kids that can do Action Programs. Hopefully all that are interested can take part.