Honors action/Camp 1831 questions


I have been debating joining an honors action program/Camp 1831 since I am from Colorado and hear these programs help with transition to college. I was wondering a few things about these programs:

-What is by far the most popular choice people go with in honors action?
-How much time do I have to consider these programs before spots fill up entirely?
-Is it hectic to coordinate move-in times and going to these programs?
-What are the pros and (any) cons people experienced with each program?

I did not realize applications opened on February 26th so I am weeks late considering…I just hope it’s not too late! Thanks!

-What is by far the most popular choice people go with in honors action?

Seats are limited in each of them. It really depends upon your interests. Alabama Action works both indoors and outdoors. If you really love outdoor activities, you might enjoy Outdoor Action. I would rank them: Alabama Action, Outdoor Action, Blackbelt Action

-How much time do I have to consider these programs before spots fill up entirely?

Not sure. These are first come/first serve.

-Is it hectic to coordinate move-in times and going to these programs?

Bama has an AMAZING move in process. You sign up for a time slot sometime around the first part of June usually. On your move in day, you’ll just before your assigned move in time and join a line of cars in an assigned area. Volunteers will direct you and others to the dorms where you’ll pull up, sign for your key, and pull straight up to the front door of your dorm building. Volunteers will completely unload all of your belongings from your vehicle and escort you to your room where they will unload the cart and leave you to unpack. If you bring a parent, they’ll move the car to an assigned parking area. Your stuff will be loaded on and off the cart in minutes! It is truly Amazing! Roll Tide!

-What are the pros and (any) cons people experienced with each program?

Pros: opportunity to move in and get settled early, get acclimated to campus before upperclassmen and others arrive so you can walk your classes and learn your way around, make friends, feel good about serving your newly adopted community, beat the late rush at the grocery store, Target, Walmart, etc.

Cons: You will be completely exhausted after the first few days of Alabama Action, but it is worth it! Bring clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty or covered in paint. You will be working hard and you’ll be busy from early morning until late in the evening.

My son went last summer to Camp 1831 and loved it! Just yesterday he mentioned that it was a great experience and he was very glad he went. He met several friends through it and it also allowed him to move in early. He did not do the honors action program. Sign up early there are limited spots available!

Honors Action programs: Typically, Outdoor Action fills up first; they have fewer spots to begin with. I know there are usually spots open in Alabama Action even in late June. Black Belt Action is also small and fills up more quickly than Alabama Action. /// I don’t have any info on Camp 1831, but I highly recommend that you do one of these programs if you can! GREAT way to start off your time at UA! My son had a wonderful week!

Can’t say enough good things about the early programs! Our student did Alabama Action his freshman year along with 1831. Then was a leader in Alabama Action his junior year and plans to do it again he enjoys it so much.

I also can’t think of any negatives to any of the programs. Personally I chose both Camp 1831 and Alabama Action. I loved both. My friends did Outdoor Action and also enjoyed it. I really wished I stuck with what I wanted to do and did Outdoor Action. But my future roommates had convinced me otherwise. Moving in early is a blessing. Also move in itself is quite nice because if you live on campus (You mentioned living off campus first year), volunteers come to your car along with RAs and FAs and help unload everything and you don’t have to lift a finger. It is amazing. If you do chose to do Camp 1831 I suggest packing for that separately because if you pack everything together, you will have to unpack and then repack for camp.