Campus lifee? or only Montreal..?

<p>so obv mcgill is in the greatest city ever..but does that mean that there isnt a sense of "community" and everyone just relies on montreal? do you only party if you go to a club? is it not a typical college experience?</p>

<p>great question!! current students please advise</p>

<p>I’ve heard strip clubs are a popular past time… </p>

<p>at least it seemed so when I visited last year… they’re everywhere. lol.</p>

<p>But I will say, I fell in love with Montreal from the second my plane came out of the clouds and I saw the golden leaves everywhere…</p>

<p>Montreal: awesome. </p>

<p>McGill Community: definitely lacking. McGill Undergrad societies have trouble meeting quota to vote on many issues, that just goes to show just how much students care about any decisions made that affect undergraduates. Different students have different levels of involvement in the “McGill Community,” but for the most part I find it divided. Most sports are not very supported financially by McGill, they tend to be very niche activities. No Michigan State football games with tens of thousands in the audience. The thing is, if your looking for something, you’ll probably find it here, it just won’t be that “big.” The best community you will find is in your program, most likely, which gets tight the higher up you get (and the more you suffer with the same people). Anyway, one of the projects I’ll probably start up in the future addresses this very problem, I just hope it isn’t so much a deep-rooted cultural issue linked to the rigid McGill system. …</p>

<p>There is a vast amount of clubs and ECs at McGill, but frankly, undergrad education and student life is not a priority here; they care more about graduate research and education hence the underfunding justatest mentioned. A lot of McGill clubs rely on SSMU, the Students’ Society of McGill University, for funding, and not all clubs are given what they need. There are also tends to be a lot of bureaucracy clubs must deal with to get stuff done.</p>

<p>As for Montreal, there are a plethora of artistic and cultural opportunities, not just clubs, you just have to seek them out, get out of the “bubble”!</p>