Campus Visit Next Week- Suggestions?

<p>Aside from the "official" stuff like info sessions and tours, any recommendations on what to take a closer look at or what questions a prospective student should be asking to get a closer feel of the school?</p>

<p>Ask about clubs and activities, look at the dorms (since your child will be living in them for a while), ask the tour guide about ease of getting into classes, ask what the tour guide does on the weekends and for entertainment around campus. I know DD really liked the student open mic nights in one of the residence halls, and the one act play set done annually.</p>

<p>^ thanks, will do, Erin’s Dad.</p>

<p>Ask about the “feel” of each dorm. I know there’s been a comparison to the houses at Hogwarts. It would be interesting to get your guide’s take on it.</p>