Social Life?

<p>My DD2 and I visited L&C last week and absolutely fell in love - with the campus, the students, Portland, the quirky, intellectual, liberal, accepting, cozy atmosphere.......</p>

<p>The only question that we wish we had asked is: What is it like on the weekends on campus? Obviously there is plenty to do in Portland, but what do the students do to unwind on campus? Is there anything going on in the dorms or elsewhere for fun on Friday and Saturday nights?</p>

<p>We loved our time on campus, but in hindsight began to wonder if the campus would start to feel somewhat claustrophobic after a while?</p>

<p>I would love to hear from current students if any are readers...</p>


<p>I just sent this to DD2 who attends for her input. I BELIEVE there are clubs that meet on the weekend (Anime, Slackrope Walking). I know DD2 usually goes downtown because there is so much down there. This is the first time I’ve seen a school accused of being claustrophobic because there is more to do in town. Usually the complaint is because there is nowhere else to go.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your reply. I didn’t mean for my question to sound accusatory - quite the opposite. We loved L&C and were basically trying to figure out if there is anything not to like! DD2 will be coming from far away (Missouri), so we want to be sure of a good fit. (as sure as anyone ever is…)</p>

<p>I guess if I were to try and clarify my reason for asking the question it would be that I believe a big part of community building among students occurs outside of class but on campus. My “concern” is that if students are leaving campus for all of their fun, do they feel a strong connection to the school and to each other as a student body?</p>

<p>And the flipside of that question would be, I know that there are shuttles into the city, but do they run late at night on weekends? Do students feel that it is easy to go into and get back from Portland as much as they would like?</p>

<p>Thanks again for any input!</p>

<p>The shuttles do run pretty late. I think the schedule says it arrives at school at 2AM. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>According to DD2 there are concerts/movies events and other odd things (her words) on Fridays. There are also sports and assorted musical events Saturday and Sunday (some of the students are very musical and entertain in some of the school lounges). Many people do hop the buses for town on the weekends.</p>

<p>Like you we came from a distance. I know the list of clubs that L&C lists appealed to DD2 and was one reason for the visit in the beginning. [Registered</a> & Recognized Student Organizations](<a href=“]Registered”> And if your DD2 likes outdoor events at all she should love the opportunities offered through the school for rock climbing, hiking, etc. [College</a> Outdoors - Programs - Lewis & Clark](<a href=“]College”>College Outdoors - College Outdoors - Lewis & Clark)</p>

<p>I read somewhere on their website that Freshmen are allowed to have cars if they have a job in Portland or have medical appointments frequently. Having a car at Lewis and Clark would make life easier. I am not a student but I heard that the shuttles can be quite troublesome at times.</p>