Campus Visit: overnight stays in dorms?

<p>Hi, any Miami experts, I'm just wondering if besides the official tour and the info session, is there any quasi-official admitted student 'sampler' where the admitted students can stay overnight with a student ambassador, go to their classes, or something similar? My son would like to visit U Miami, and his two other EA admitted schools have something like what I've described.</p>

<p>No special Singer or Stamps invite for us, and he is not keen to stay in a hotel. He hasn't had the chance to visit campus yet since we live so far away and wants to get a sense of life on campus.</p>

<p>There is a special program called Cane For a Day. This is a “by invitation only” program for accepted students in which you shadow a current student for an entire day…you go to classes and experience everything else that there is to do on campus. You are paired with a current student with similar academic desires and interests. However, as far as I know it does not include an overnight stay.</p>

<p>You can get invited to Cane for a Day… and they also supposedly have a thing later on called You at the U thats like an orientation day. There are no overnight stays though. I personally have a friend at the U so I just go and do an overnight stay in her dorm sometimes.</p>

<p>Thanks vdub212 and mspears8. I found ‘Cane For a Day’ online and sent the link to my son.</p>