Campus Visit Policies?

<p>What's Notre Dame's policies regarding visits from friends or family? Specifically if it's a friend from another school could they bunk in your dorm? If your roommate is cool with it and everything?</p>

<p>I don’t know what the policies are technically, but I can tell you that in my dorm, Alumni, there are really no prohibitions other than parietals, as long as the guest is over 18. You are held responsible for your guests actions. If the guest is younger than 18, you are not allowed to introduce them into situations with alcohol.</p>

<p>I think technically, if the guest is under 21, you aren’t supposed to introduce them to situations with alcohol, since that’s the rule for ND students…but we all know it happens anyway. I think your guest also has to be over 16 to stay in the dorms and you are supposed to let your rector know they are visiting, just in case there is an emergency or something. And, as Kevdude said, you are responsible for their actions.</p>

<p>Usually you just fill out a form and give it to your rector that basically informs them that there’ll be someone else in your room (in the case of an emergency). And it’s always good to inform your roommate before hand :).</p>

<p>Haha okay cool. Seems very reasonable :] Thanks!</p>

<p>There is a formal way once theperson who is visiting is accepted to shadow for a day. You could talk to the admission’s office. Parents stay in a hotel near by and I suggest the Inn at St Mary.</p>