
<p>I have researched a lot about the fitness facilities at V Tech and they seem to be very good. I would like to know what are the rules for the using the gyms and pool facilities and how the whole process works including the price? Thankyou :)</p>

<p>I graduated 2 years ago so if anything I say is out of date someone let me know.</p>

<p>Using the facilities is free if you’re a student. You swipe your card and they let you in. Some of the programs cost money but I’m pretty sure there are some free ones as well. If you’re looking to just lift some weights/get on a treadmill that’s free though.</p>

<p>There are two gyms, mccommas and war memorial. Mccommas is air conditioned and nicer but more crowded, while war memorial has no AC and is older but there is usually less of a line for things. I preferred to go to mccommas at odd hours.</p>

<p>There is a pool that I’m 99% sure is free to use but I never used it so I’m not sure. It is reserved a lot for programs but there are open hours.</p>

<p>Also don’t forget to bring a towel or you’ll have to rent one of theirs.</p>