Can any other Tepper students see your schedule?

<p>I was looking at the "Student Information On-line" to see if my housing was still TBA. I clicked on the schedule not expecting to see anything, but an entire schedule showed up. It looks like a typical Tepper freshman schedule (although the math courses haven't been adjusted to reflect the placement test yet). I knew that there is not much choice for Tepper freshman in terms of sceduling for first semester, but I thought that we would atleast be able to pick our Breadth Electives (which is apparently not the case). Can anyone else (Tepper or not) see their schedule?</p>

<p>mine's up too...they only listed interp&argument, calc, intro to business, and computer skills workshop. I think we still get to choose 1 more course.</p>

<p>Mine listed those as well as Modern Biology (which is my breadth elective I assume). Which section of Interpretation and Argument are you in? Also, do you think there is any possible way I will be able to change the Modern Biology course to something else when I meet with the advisor during orientation week (or change it sooner than then)?</p>

<p>I'm in section G for interp/argument.</p>

<p>...and I assume you can just call or e-mail you advisor about the electives. If you click on "Enrollment Data" in the Student Information Online page, you'll see your advisor's name listed on the right. You can probably just search the cmu website for his/her contact information (just a suggestion..i don't really know if any of this makes sense)</p>

<p>anyways, what section are you in for interp & intro to business?</p>

<p>Section A INTRO TO BUSINESS MWF 03:30PM 04:20PM DH 1112 COFIELD

<p>How about you?</p>

<p>All mine listed was US History and Intro to Business....hopefully some more will be added soon!</p>