Can I apply other places rolling if I signed an ED but I haven't heard about financial aid yet??

I won’t be hearing about financial aid from GW for another month at least. I signed an early decision agreement so I not only really want to go but I will be going if I can afford it. I can’t commit to anything until I hear about the money, so if I don’t get enough, I can’t go, no matter how much I want to. This means that I should have some other applications going - the only issue is that the deadline for most colleges is Jan 1st, before I hear about the money. I don’t know if I’m technically allowed to apply elsewhere (just for security) while I wait for my financial aid package. Does anyone have any advice?? Im so desperate, my college counselor isn’t answering my emails and my deadline is coming up. Can anyone help me? I can explain the situation more if needed.

You don’t have any other apps in at all? The way ED works is that you apply to the ED school AND other colleges with the understanding that you’ll withdraw your other apps if you’re accepted to the ED school with an affordable package. Your guidance counselor didn’t mention that when you signed the ED agreement?

No I didn’t apply elsewhere because I was told I would know about the financial aid by December 18th - that never happened and when I called, I was told I wouldn’t know until January or February.

Since GW must be closed for the break now and you cannot confer with them before other applications are due in two days… apply to your other college choices by the deadlines… and then withdraw your applications as soon as you receive GW’s financial aid package, assuming it is adequate.

Does GW have an enrollment deposit due from you sooner than the aid package is coming in? If so, you should probably chat with someone in GW admissions on the first day they reopen after the break. Explain your situation, but above all reiterate your enthusiasm and strong desire to attend GW and your eagerness to commit to GW just as soon as your family confirms that they can afford the aid package.

The offer probably will meet your needs. But if the package arrives and is short of your needs, do not give up. Call GW financial aid and see what can be done.

Congratulations on your admission and good luck!