Can I get into any UC Engineering Program with my profile? *This is probably over asked :(

UC GPA : 4.25 (Its low but my I have a heavy senior course load of 5 APs) (9 in total)
Unweighted GPA: 3.96
Weighted GPA : 4.25

California Resident

SAT Reasoning Scores: 1400 (700 Math) (700 Reading/Writing) NEW SAT
ACT scores: 30 ( 31 English, 28 Reading, 32 Math, 30 Science) (* I took again w/ 30 but I made my reading 35 but my other subscores dropped ****)
SAT II Scores: TBA I took Math Lvl II & US History - Waiting on results

I have two retakes in December.

AP US, Calc AB, Euro, (5s)
AP Lang (4)
(Senior APs) Computer Principles, Stats, Lit., Gov, Physics I

Which college are you applying to?

I am doing mechanical engineering for most UCs except UCLA and Berkeley which will probably College of Letters of Science for either Physics or Economics. I will be applying to all UCs.

Im throwing a long shot at Stanford too because Im very interested in their product design major, it seems like the perfect major for me

List a few of your most important ECs (a laundry list of 20+ items is not needed)

  • Varsity Tennis
  • National Honor Society
  • Key Club President/ Division Spirit Coordinator
  • Junior Aeronautical Club
  • 150+ Hours of Community Service
  • Photographer/Videographer
  • Dance/ Hip Hop

Any other significant accomplishments in a specific field

  • I was a California Boys State Delegate
  • Rank 14 (top 3%) (school has a lot of 11-15 AP takers lol) I have two Bs but school is very competative
    • I don’t have much…

How am I looking?

P.S. In my personal insight questions, I didn’t really have much opportunities engineering wise where I lived, but based on what I’ve written I have the qualities of an engineer, creative, thinker etc. and teachable. My main weakness is my standardized test scores :frowning:

UCs care about GPA more than tests. It also depends on how you compare too your peers at school. I think you should have a fair chance to UCD or UCI. Which engineering program did you apply? The results are coming out soon. Good luck to you.

FYI, U.S. News recently came out with their 2017 global ranking overall and by subject. Attached is the UC engineering schools ranking.

Yes you have a shot. I got into UCSD’s chem e program with a 4.04 UC GPA, and completely unrelated ECs, although I did get a slightly higher SAT/ACT, and I had 800s on my SAT IIs.
I think Mechanical e is pretty popular, and I don’t know how competitive Chem e is, however, since UCs weigh GPA so much more than anything else, and given how much lower mine is compared to yours, I’d say you definitely have a fair shot.

Hey guys thanks for the reply I’ve gotten into 5 UCs with in Mechanical/Computer Engineering. I should have put more confidence in myself. Thanks for the help!