Chance me for UCs?

UC GPA : 4.25 (Its low but my I have a heavy senior course load of 5 APs) (10 in total)
Unweighted GPA: 3.95
Weighted GPA : 4.25

California Resident

SAT Reasoning Scores: 1400 (700 Math) (700 Reading/Writing) NEW SAT
ACT scores: 30 ( 31 English, 28 Reading, 32 Math, 30 Science) (* I took again w/ 30 but I made my reading 35 but my other subscores dropped ****)
SAT II Scores: TBA I took Math Lvl II & US History - Waiting on results

I have two retakes in December.

AP US, Calc AB, Euro, (5s)
AP Lang (4)
(Senior APs) Computer Principles, Stats, Lit., Gov, Physics I

Which college are you applying to?

I am doing mechanical engineering for most UCs except UCLA and Berkeley which will probably College of Letters of Science for either Physics or Economics. I will be applying to all UCs. I don’t know what majors to pick for UCLA because I really want to get in…

Im throwing a long shot at Stanford too because Im very interested in their product design major, it seems like the perfect major for me

List a few of your most important ECs (a laundry list of 20+ items is not needed)

  • Varsity Tennis
  • National Honor Society
  • Key Club President/ Division Spirit Coordinator
  • Junior Aeronautical Club
  • 150+ Hours of Community Service
  • Photographer/Videographer
  • Dance/ Hip Hop

Any other significant accomplishments in a specific field

  • I was a California Boys State Delegate
  • Rank 14 (school has a lot of 11-15 AP takers lol) I have two Bs
    • I don’t have much…
  • I got the top 9% letter, and my parents keep saying I will be guaranteed somewhere in the UC system? Is that true? THey said they heard it when they went to the event.

How am I looking?

You’re looking pretty good. But Academics are only half of what you need. Identify some leadership positions in your ECs and write the best essays of your life!

You are a well qualified applicant for all the UCs - but, be sure to apply broadly because it is subjective. You are likely to get rejected by a UC or 2. Which ones? Who knows…
Apply to several and Good luck.

You received the ELC letter: Eligibility in the Local Context. You were selected based on the fact that you are in the top 9% at your high school and have taken the right courses to make you eligible for the UC’s.

What that means is: if you are rejected by your choice UC, you will get into a UC university that has room. Right now, that university is Merced. So the ELC just means you won’t be denied at Merced.