Can i get into the University of Alabama?

<p>i have a 2.9 gpa, and i got a 1400 on sats but i retook them and hopefully did better. I have met with a representative from the colloe, and am going down in novemeber to visit and having more interviews down there. I was captain of freshman volleyball, captain of jv tennis, yearbook, prom committee, and have had three jobs. I hope I can get in!</p>

<p>1400 w/ all three sections?</p>

<p>You said “going down” there, so I guess you’re not in-state? I know people from around here who get in with lower stats, but I think residency helps. You’re right around the target range though (3.0 and 20something ACT, if your 1400 is in 3 sections).</p>

<p>It’s best to apply ASAP so you have a more solid chance. The application is super short and I don’t think you even get to list your extra-curriculars on it (unless I just don’t remember that).</p>

<p>yeah, i know its not that great.</p>

<p>I am from Massachusetts, and I have already applied.</p>


<p>You might be surprised at how much u can improve your score. It’s good practice for college. </p>

<p>take the ACT as well.</p>

<p>will your parents pay the OOS costs?</p>

<p>are you using someone else’s CC acct? this screenname asked similar questions a couple of years ago. </p>

<p>are you in high school?</p>