Can I get into UNC Chapel Hill next Fall

Plzz any clarity would help but would I get into UNC Chapel hill with 3.65 UW here are my stats
Black male
Student Body Prez of my School
Started multiple Businesses that made over 50k together
interned at a real estate company
certified to do taxes through IRS
4 year Varsity sport
Worked over 200+ hrs as server at restaurant
and prop gonna have already good essay because I’m already working on and revising my essay

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Also forgot to mention finished Junior year with great upward trajectory in grades with all As but 2 Bs Fall sem with 3 AP classes and 3 dual enrollment classes

Maybe. I think it is going to depend upon the anticipated supreme court decision and how UNC responds to that. Be sure to make an in state safety that you can afford, too.

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Are you in-state?

Course rigor is important to UNC, what AP’s have you taken/are planning to take? They like to see the strong AP’s (science, math, English)

It’s impossible to predict admission to UNC. It’s gotten to be a crapshoot for even highest stat in-state students and extremely difficult if you’re an out of state student. Most who apply will have accomplished what you have, and more. Hope for a good outcome but make sure you have other schools on your list that you can fall in love with, just in case.

Very strong LOR’s and essays will help set you apart so make sure those are stellar.

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