Can I get the Singer invite with this gpa? :/

<p>Ok, so I'm not even sure if I can even get 24K or 20K with a UW gpa of 3.66, I've been working so hard getting straight As lately and its because freshman year really screwed me up. I tried to redo the courses I got a Cs in, on FLVS, (Online class) but my guidance counselor said there is no grade forgiveness :/ even though I'm pretty positive he let this girl do it with a D. It just sucks. What if you have a amazing ACT, like a 33+, top 10-5% and a really high weighted gpa.. maybe a 4.5+ I just really want to go here, but can't afford it without a big scholarship.
What is the lowest UW GPA you can have to get invited to singer? or even 24K?</p>

<p>bump? :///</p>

<p>1500 SAT math and critical reading or like a 34-36 ACT, and you have to be top 1% of your class. Those are the minimum requirements.</p>

<p>I think if you do extremely well on the SAT/ACT then you have a chance at Singer and would have a better chance at 20-24k.</p>

<p>How do you know it’s top 1%? I’m in the top 4% with a 1510 SAT and I will also be taking the ACT (hoping to get a 35). However, I have a 4.0 UW and a 5.3 W GPA…</p>

<p>you don’t have to be in the top 1% of your class to get the singer or stamps invite
2 friends of mine who weren’t in the top 1% (but were in the top 10 students of our class) were invited to singer or stamps weekend
so while 1% may help get an invite, by no means is it necessary
good luck! :)</p>

<p>do you have to have a UW GPA of 4.0?</p>

<p>a UW gpa of 4.0 isn’t a requirement either, though most students who receive the invite have strong gpas
in fact, miami doesn’t even recalculate your gpa to make it unweighted
they use whatever your school reports (so if your school reports your gpa as unweighted, that’s what they’ll use. if they reported it as weighted, UM won’t recalculate)
this comes from their admission site:</p>

<p>“There is no minimum GPA or test score requirement for admission. The Admission Committee does not recalculate high school GPAs. We use the GPA (weighted and/or unweighted) provided by your high school.”</p>

<p>Wow that makes me really happy! Thanks comeonapril1!
What if they send both? Which one will they use?</p>

<p>i’m not sure what they do if you send both, but i would guess that they’d consider both W and UW</p>

<p>alright thank youu :)</p>