Can I submit SIR to two schools if I'm only putting down one deposit?

This is going to sound somewhat weird, but I’ve been reading about how it’s a really bad idea to submit mutiple deposits to multiple schools.
However, one of the schools I was accepted at accepted me as a spring admit, and while I’d still have to submit a Intent to Enroll for Spring 2023 by May 1st, the actual enrollment depoait isnt due until August 1st. Therefore, is it alright (meaning, legal and not ethically dubious or liable to get my acceptance rescinded everywhere) to submit two SIR to both that school and another that accepted me for fall if I was only putting a deposit down on the school that accepted me for fall?
Thank you!

You want more time to decide.

You will crush yourself with a summer of restlessness but whether or not it’s right if it’s right for you, I don’t see an issue

But my main concern is whether it’s going to get my acceptances rescinded if it’s on the more dubious side of “right”. But if the only thing I may potentially lose is one deposit, i may go for it.

No. Unless it’s like Emory and Oxford. Sister schools.

Sigh of relief. Thank you!

Think of it like this. Let’s say you were waitlisted at School B so you accepted School A.

But on July 15, School B admits you. So you welch on School A.

Same concept.

I suggest you really think about Spring entry though - is that what you want?

You could delay - but you’ll wreck your summer with nerves.

Figure it out now!!!

What are your school choices? What major?

since you’re using your real name (you should change that) - you can PM me.

I dont think I can change the username, it automatically put it there when i made the account and now it won’t change.
I’m majoring in Finance or equivalent. The spring admit program does let me get started on classes at a local CC, but it doesn’t come with a housing guarantee and I’m worried about being behind socially. The school itself is a T30 unlike the other ones on my list (that I wasn’t waitlisted at.

U can send a pm. Click on my name. Send message.

U signed in through Facebook. Y u have that name

(Sidebar: You can request an admin like @CC_Mike to change your username).

To me it does seem like submitting an SIR at more than one school is ethically dubious. Maybe others like @Gumbymom, @Mwfan1921, @Lindagaf can weigh in.

But what’s not clear to me is, why do you want to do this? What are the pros and cons you’re weighing. Is the school with spring admission significantly better than the one with the fall admit? If yes might be worth waiting. If not, pick the fall school.

Please follow these steps to change your user name within 30 days of creating your account.

Double depositing is not allowed. Schools can rescind offers when they discover students have double deposited. They can find out when your GC has to send your final transcript to a college. Ideally, your GC will only send a final transcript to one college.

Read this: it explains why you shouldn’t double deposit.


But the thing is, I wouldn’t be double depositing. The spring admit school only requires me to submit an Intent to Enroll for Spring 2023 by May 1st, the actual enrollment deposit isn’t requried until August 1 at the latest. So my problem is that I’m confused on whether the “no double deposit” rule still applies even if I’m technically only doing one payment by May 1.

Legally, I don’t think there’s any ramification. However, by saying you WILL attend the college in the spring, you’re still making a commitment. You are still being included in their numbers, and you’re still taking up a spot that another student might want. Your GC still has to send your final grades to the school that wants you to start in Spring, and when you ask for your transcripts to be sent to TWO colleges, the GC will know you have SIR’ed to two. And, you still run the risk of the Spring school finding out that you’ve told two colleges you will attend. And if the college learns of it, there might be repercussions for your school also, in that they might be less likely to admit your high school’s applicants in the future.

So you have to decide what is right. To be clear, I am pretty sure most colleges do not allow students to claim their intent to enroll at two different schools. That’s not in their best interest, is it? Are you willing to run the risk of being rescinded, possibly by two schools? I’m sure the risk is low, but it’s still real.

That’s what I was thinking, but I wanted to double check. Thank you!

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I get what you’re saying - but how is it different than a wait list situation - in that many “accept” their fall spot only to reneg in July/August, etc.??

Or reneg for other reasons?

Because it was a Spring admit, I didn’t see the issue (personally) although I did see the emotional torment over the Summer for the student as they wavered for many more months.

This student IS admitted for Spring. A student on waitlist most likely won’t get off the waitlist. IF a student gets off waitlist, and SIR’s to that school, but fails to notify the first school because they want to keep their options open, that’s unethical.

The student saying yes to two schools at the same time is very different from a student who is offered a spot off WL, accepts it, and immediately withdraws from the first school.

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Exactly! I don’t see the equivalency with being on a waitlist.

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OK - that’s fair. I guess I was looking at repercussions - and I don’t think they’d happen.

My guess is every school has confirmed kids changing their mind last minute, for another school, for no school, or otherwise.

But totally see and understand your point. Thanks for explaining.

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I was just trying to show - that it happens - kids reneg’ing - that’s all. But i see the point.

I still say OP is better to make a decision now for summer enjoyment reasons.


Agreed. As I asked OP above - what’s the driving factor to say yes to both schools? The spring admission isn’t ideal but I don’t see a huge difference between this situation and being accepted to two equally desirable schools for fall. You’ve got to make up your mind and pick one!