Can somebody answer some pretty easy questions about UW Madison please?

<p>Hi, I'm thinking about applying to UW Madison, I'm a junior in a small high school in Wisconsin. I just visited the campus and I really liked it. I was wondering if I could get in, I have about a 3.8-3.9 GPA, my high school doesn't do weighted grades but I have taken advanced math classes and I will most likely take an A.P. English class next year. I have gotten B's in math since 8th grade and mostly B's in science since sophmore year. I heard that a B in an advanced class is better than an A in a regular class and I'm really hoping that's true. My A.P. English class will be an A or A- because that is the class I'm strongest in. My class rank is kind of an issue because I have 19 people in my class. I will probably be about 4th or 5th or 75-85%. Do they really take that into consideration that much? It's not really my fault that I have a really small, smart class. My teacher recommendations and essay will be really good, and I'm taking the ACTs in a few weeks. On the practice test I got a 27 (science and math really brought it down), but I've been studying so I think it could be a little higher. My courses are very rigorous, I have 22 credits already and I will take 7-8 more next year. I have a lot of extracurriculars, including National Honor Society, forensics, math team, musical, choir, community service, and service learning. Will it be better to take calculus or social problems next year? I will do way better in social problems. If you're pretty sure you're not going into a science or math field, is it okay to just take 3 science classes or 4 math classes? I think I'm going into an education degree and maybe film/acting. I'm really trying to get all A's this year because I know they look at junior year when deciding. Do you think I can get in? (My other top choice is probably U of Chicago, although I haven't visited it yet. Do you think I should even bother applying there? I know it's very competitive.) What can I do from now until I apply to get in?</p>

<p>I meant I’m in the top 20-25% in my class. Also my mom’s an alumni.</p>

<p>I think you should be fine.</p>

<p>Really? Awesome, thank you :)</p>

<p>Don’t worry, just continue to do your best. UW uses unweighted grades and expects you to take the most rigorous curriculum you can. Discuss courses with your HS guidance counselor- they are up on state schools and the requirements. U of Chicago sounds like a real reach but do investigate it before you eliminate it from your wish list. You can apply and see what happens- as long as you have alternative schools in your list as well.</p>

<p>I think you will need good SAT/ACT to validate your grades since you are in a small class.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info, everyone, I’m going to go study for the ACTs right now. lol. & I’m trying to take the hardest classes my school offers because my guidance counselor said that was important.</p>

<p>It is important to take the most rigorous courses, not only to get in, but to best prepare you for the rigors of college academic life.</p>

<p>Do they really look at improvement in your junior year? I’ve been really trying to get all A’s this year.</p>

<p>Yes- upward trends in grades do count in your favor.</p>

<p>It is getting tougher to get in every year. Need goo dACT and need more A’s for Sr. year.</p>